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“Umm, yeah,” I say, glancing back at the door, thankful that he left it open. Someone wanting to inflict some kind of harm would close the door, right? Surely, I’m safe with this guy. At least I hope. I’m sick of having to always assume the worst in people. If someone wants to hurt or betray me, they should just be upfront about it so I’m not always so blindsided. I used to think I was a good judge of character but apparently, I’m pretty fucking useless in that department.

“You don’t remember me, do you?” the guy questions cautiously.

I scrunch up my face and rock my head from side to side. “Should I?”

“My name is Thomas. I’m the guy who gave you all that nice bruising decorating your chest.”

Understanding dawns and I find tears springing to my eyes, making me feel like such an idiot. When did I become the girl who cries over everything? I liked it before when nothing could touch me, but then, that wasn’t really me. “You’re the ambulance guy.”

He nods. “How are you feeling? I just wanted to come by and check you hadn’t tried to gouge any of our nurses’ eyes out yet.” I watch him for a moment and at my confusion, he continues, pointing toward my leg. “When I tried to stop the bleeding, I had to apply a bit of pressure and you weren’t too fond of that in your…state.”

“Did I get you good?”

“Oh, yeah,” he laughs, sliding up the sleeve of his jacket and showcasing the five scratches that circle his wrist. “I’m pretty sure you burst my eardrums with your scream as well.”

“Really?” I cringe in regret. “To be honest, I didn’t think I was actually making any noise. All I could hear was ringing. I could see you talking but I couldn’t make out any of the words.”

“Thank fuck for that,” he laughs. “Had you heard what I said when you latched onto me, I probably would have lost my job.”

“Don’t stress. I wouldn’t rat, especially on the guy who saved my life.”

“Just doing my job,” he says, realizing that was my version of a ‘thank you.’

“I, um…I’m sorry about your arm. I usually save my gouging skills for bitches who stab me in the back, not people who are trying to save me from bleeding out.”

“Why thank you,” he says, pressing a hand to his heart and grinning. “What a nice sentiment. I’m going to take that shit right to the grave.”

I roll my eyes but can’t help but smirk. “You’re a shit-stirrer,” I accuse. “And if you weren’t a reminder of the night from hell, I’d probably really like you.”

“Yeah, well if you didn’t curse me out and try to amputate my arm, I’d probably like you too, but despite all that, I’m glad you’re doing alright.”

“Thank you,” I say with sincerity. “And thank you for everything you did. I know your job couldn’t be easy.”

“It has its ups and downs,” he admits. “And I know last night would have been devastating for you, but for me, it was one of the good nights. You came out breathing and that’s all that matters. It could have been worse. Had your friend not started chest compressions, I would be visiting you in the morgue right now.”

“Wow…that’s sobering.”

“I know, I’ve seen it way too many times. You owe that guy your life or at least movie tickets or some shit like that.”

I know he’s joking about the movie tickets, but he’s right, I do owe Slade my life. In fact, I owe him a shitload more than that, not that I’m even capable of giving him anything more but if I could, I would. I’m going to spend forever making it up to him.

I nod, not having the words to describe just how right he is and in return, he nods right back. “Alright,” he says with a proud smile, like a father watching over a daughter. “Try not to have any more run-ins with dickheads wielding guns.”

“I’ll try to remember that,” I say as he turns for the door.

He smiles back at me over his shoulder just as my heart walks in. My brows draw down as Slade is supposed to be home with his family, but damn, I’m glad he’s here. Even happier to find my sketchpad tucked under his arm.

This man.

He stops in the doorway and looks at Thomas with suspicion as Nessa and Damian come barreling into his back. “Who the fuck are you?” he demands as Nessa tries to peer around Damian’s shoulder to see me, but with Damian backing up Slade, no one is going anywhere.

“I’m the EMT you almost knocked out last night.”

Slade’s whole demeanor changes as his eyes widen in surprise. “No shit,” he says, instantly grabbing the guy and pulling him in. Slade claps him on the back then keeps a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know how to thank you, man.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic