Page 95 of Never Falling

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Foster frowned. "Are you into Travis or something?"

"Why would you ask me that?" I said quickly, blushing.

"I don't know. You seem to bring up his name an awful lot."

"Do I?" I asked. "I haven't really met him before, so how can I be bringing up his name?"

"I mean, since you've met him."

"Well, he is dashing," I said laughing.

"He's a player," Foster said succinctly, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, so he's a player. What handsome rich man isn't?" I stared at him. "I mean, you're a player, right? At least Amelia would say so."

He shook his head for a couple of seconds. "Perhaps. I used to be, but maybe I'm not now."

"Oh have someone special, do you?"

"I don't know," he said, gazing at me.

I swallowed hard as I watched him pull off his shirt completely. I stared down at his belt buckle, wondering if he was going to take his pants off in front of me as well. "Are you going to give me another lap dance?" I said, laughing.

"I don't think that would be smart, do you?" He shook his head.

"Guess not," I said, staring at his abs, wanting to run my fingers up and down his body.

"I mean, if you want to give me a lap dance, I wouldn't say no." He grinned at me, and I shook my head.

"Well, if it's not appropriate for you to give me one, it would hardly be appropriate for me to give you one."

"I don't know," he said. You're the one who started the lap dance phase. Maybe."

"No," I said. "It would be weird, especially if I work with you or for you or whatever the program is."

"So you're really serious about joining the program?" He cocked his head to the side. "I have to admit that I didn't really think you were that interested in finance, but if you're serious, then ..."

"I mean, of course I'm serious. You're the one who said that Travis wanted to talk to me. You're the one who said I could get an interview, that I could start the program that—”

"I know," he said, "but for some reason, I didn't really think you'd take me up on it."

"Well, I am, and so is Molly. We both want to."

"It's done then," he said. He smiled at me. "In fact, there's also an open position to be my assistant."

"Your assistant?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "But why would I want to be your assistant if I can join the apprenticeship program?"

"Well, maybe you'd want to be my assistant so that you could meet a lot of the top people in the industry from the ground up."

"But wouldn't I be meeting them in the program?"

"Not really," he said, shaking his head. "The program is two years long."

"Two years?"

"Yes." He nodded. "It's a very full, comprehensive program, and it will put you in the top percentile of money earners in the country once you're complete. But if you were my assistant, you could also have an in right away."

"Oh" I said. "So I'd be your assistant and in the program?"

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance