Page 86 of Never Falling

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"That's what I said, but he doesn't want her concerned because she's his wife, and she's delicate and..." I shrugged. "You know how it is."

Oliver nodded. "I know."

"I mean, you take care of Rosalie, and I love her, and I want her to be protected and safe, and I get it. I want that for whoever I end up with too, but sometimes I just think it would be nice to have a one hundred percent partner so that when shit like this happens, you'd have someone to go to, and you don't feel so alone. You know?"

Oliver nodded. "I agree, and while I take care of Rosalie and want to protect her and provide for her, we do have a full partnership." He smiled. I can go to her with anything, and she can come to me with anything, and that's what makes this work. That's what makes this so special."

"I'm glad," I said. "Sometimes I wonder if I could be in a relationship like that. If my alpha male instinct wouldn't always take over and make me want to protect and keep things hidden."

"That makes sense," he says. "It's hard to be vulnerable with your partner. I mean, sometimes there are things I don't want to tell Rosalie. Stuff at work, or family stuff, you know?"

"Everything okay on the family front?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's fine. Just, you know, regular family drama shit."

"I get it." I nodded. "But you can tell Rosalie that I will not break Alice's heart. I will not do anything that will make her upset."

"You sure you can promise that?" Oliver gave me a look.


"I mean, basically, you're saying that you're going to be completely hands-off with her."

"I guess that's what I'm saying. I mean, if I'm taking this job, I'll be gone within a month anyway, so maybe it's for the best."

He stared at me. "If you think so."

"I know so, man. I know so." And then we heard the door opening and giggles.

I turned to look at the women as they walked out, and my breath caught as I stared at Alice. Her long blond hair flowing down her back. She was wearing a short, tight red dress that made my jaw drop. It was very obvious to me that she wasn't wearing a bra because her nipples were hard and poked through the flimsy material. I swallowed hard as she smiled up at me.

"We're ready!" Rosalie said as she spun around, and Oliver let out a low whistle.

"Wow, you look amazing!"

"You two both looked super hot," Molly said, and then I stared at her. She looked gorgeous as well in a flimsy white piece of material that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. But my eyes went back to Alice. They would always go to Alice. Her hazel eyes looked at me with a question in them, and I didn't know how I would be able to keep my hands off her. Rosalie grabbed Alice's hand and spun her around, and all I could do was try not to drool.

"Come on, guys," I said quickly. Knowing that if we stay here much longer, I'd just want to grab Alice, pull her into my bedroom, and forget about everything and everyone else.

"We're sorry we were so behind," Alice said as she walked over to me. "I hope we're not going to be dreadfully late."

"It's okay," I said. I looked down into her beautiful eyes and licked my lips as I stared at her heaving bosoms. She touched me lightly on the shoulder and smiled sweetly.

"You look really handsome tonight, Foster."

"Thank you," I said softly. "You look absolutely amazing yourself." And it was true. She looked adorable.



"That was the first limo I've ever been in my life," Molly said, beaming as we walked into the hotel. "I feel like a million dollars right now," she said, glancing over at Foster. "Thank you so much for inviting me."

"You're welcome," he said, grinning at her.

"Thank you all for coming. There is a silent auction tonight. If you are bidding on anything, please do, but don't feel obligated. When we get inside, I will introduce you all to Travis, my boss."

"What's his last name?" Molly asked as we walked into the building. "I feel kind of weird calling your boss Travis, seeing as I've never met him."

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance