Page 41 of Never Falling

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"Please? It's not comfortable, and I won’t be able to get out of it unless you help me."

"Okay," I said. "Stand up."

She stood, and then I stood behind her and unzipped the back of the dress. It fell to the ground, and I gasped when I saw that she was just wearing a pair of silky white panties and no bra.

She turned around and looked up at me with an impish smile. She covered her breasts quickly and giggled. "Oops. I forgot I didn't have a bra on."

"Do you want to go to the room," I said, averting my gaze.

"No." She pushed me back onto the couch again. "I'm still giving you a lap dance, remember?"

"Um, I don't think this is a good idea, Alice," I said as she got back onto my lap. I groaned as she positioned herself on my cock and rubbed herself back and forth. Her breasts were jiggling against my chest, and she leaned forward and rubbed them against my face. "Alice, I—"

"What?" she said, yawning slightly.

"I don't think that this is a great idea."

"You don't like my lap dance?" she said. She grabbed my hand and put it around her waist. "Hold my hips," she said, giggling.

"Okay." I put my hands on the side of her waist and closed my eyes as she bounced up and down on my lap. I knew that this was a really, really bad decision, and I should not be letting her do this, but no part of me wanted her to stop. She pressed her lips against my neck and then suddenly stilled.

I wasn't sure if this was part of the act until, a couple of seconds later, I heard her snoring slightly. I smiled to myself. She's falling asleep. I knew that she must have been absolutely exhausted. I lifted her gingerly and carried her in my arms. I was going to place her back in her room, but I decided to put her in my bed. What was one night of sleeping together, warm, comfortable, feeling her body pressed against mine? I mean, would it be more awkward for her to wake up half naked in her own bed or in mine? I figured she'd feel embarrassed about it either way. I placed her in my bed and pulled off my top and pants. I was about to pull my boxers down as I liked to sleep naked but decided against it. I didn't want her to wake up with my cock nestled against her ass cheeks. Then we'd have even bigger problems. I turned off the lights and got into bed beside her, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and lay staring up at the ceiling.

She was mumbling something under her breath in her sleep, but I couldn't quite understand what she was saying. I could feel my cock harder than ever and contemplated going into the bathroom to jack off before going to sleep. Somehow, it didn't feel right to do that, knowing it was because she made me horny. I turned to face her as she slept, staring at the profile of her beautiful face in the moonlight that shone threw the window. Staring at her reminded me of all the times when we were younger, and she'd sneak into my room. We'd talk and sleep next to each other all night. I was going to have to speak to her about the past. I would have to see if she forgave me, if she was okay. I needed to make sure everything was good between us.



Icould hear the distant sounds of the news on the TV as I lay in bed. My head was aching, so I didn't want to open my eyes. I'd drunk far too much alcohol the night before. I stretched my limbs and noticed that the sheets felt much softer on my skin this morning, and then my eyes flew open. My skin? I touched myself quickly and realized that I was only wearing my panties. I was only wearing my panties. I didn't have my pajamas on. I bit down on my lower lip, trying to remember my actions from the night before. I remembered dancing down the street, singing and getting into a cab with Foster. I froze as I looked at my surroundings. I wasn't in Oliver's room. I wasn't in my bedroom. So that meant... I sat upright and gasped.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I said under my breath quickly. I was in Foster's room, and suddenly, I had images of me asking him to unzip my dress and jumping on his lap. And, oh my gosh, did I rub my nipples in his face? I was absolutely and totally mortified. What had I done?

The door opened then, and Foster walked in with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hey, morning, Alice," he said.

I grabbed the sheet and pulled it toward me.

"What happened last night?" I asked him quickly.

"We went out. You had drinks. Well, we all had drinks, but you really had drinks."

He walked over to me and handed me the cup of coffee. This is for you. I figured you might need it."

"Yeah. Thanks. So what exactly happened last night, and why am I in your bedroom?"

I tried not to gaze at his naked chest. Foster was just wearing a pair of black gym shorts, and his body was absolutely divine. He sat on the edge of the bed and stared at me.

"What do you think happened? What do you remember?"

"I remember us dancing and..."

I wondered how much I should pretend that I had forgotten.

"I remember you said we should get a cab or something, and we were coming home, and the rest of it is kind of a blur."

"Oh," he said, staring at me with neutral eyes.

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance