Page 4 of Never Falling

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"Yeah. I was even thinking maybe the coral reefs."

"Which ones?" I said.

"Girl, there's only one to go to. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia."

"Girl," I said, mocking her, "do you know how much flights are to Australia?"

She started giggling then. "I know. I don't want to put Oliver in the broke house."

"He wouldn't mind," I said. "He loves you."

"I know, and I love him so much. So what about you? How's it going on Tinder?"

I groaned. "Don't talk to me about Tinder. Why does every guy think you want to see his dick?"

"I don't know," she said, laughing. "But don't you kind of want to check out the goods before you get down and dirty?"

"I'd like a hello and a coffee first, please." I grinned at her.

She laughed. "That's true. So no potentials?"

"Well, there's this one guy, but..." I made a face.


"He doesn't really ask me about myself."

"Oh, what does he talk about?"

"He will send me a message and... Hold on, let me bring it up." I pulled out my phone from my handbag and opened the app. I scrolled to my messages and looked for a message from Chris. "Okay. This is the last message Chris sent me."

"I'm listening. Is it X-rated?"

I rolled my eyes. "No, I don't think it’s that bad."

"Well, that's good, right?"

"Listen to the message, Rosalie."

"Okay. I'm listening," she said.

We checked to make sure we weren't about to be called next, and at least four people were ahead of us in the line. "Okay. 'Hey, chica. How was your day? Mine was absolutely excruciating. I went to the gym and did cardio for about forty-five minutes, and then I was doing weights. Lifted two fifty. I'm hoping to get to three hundred, but I don't want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger's son. Ha ha. Though I think I'm much harder than Arnold Schwarzenegger's son, don't you think? Check out my new pic, the third one, the one next to the Eiffel Tower. Do you think I look good? Do you think my jeans are too tight?'" I paused.

Rosalie was giggling. "Oh my gosh. Um, I don't know what to say to that."

"Girl, he goes on for another paragraph talking about himself."

"Well, he is trying to engage you, right?"

"How is he trying to engage me?"

"He's asking you questions."

"He's asking me questions like, are his jeans too tight? Girl, he..." I shook my head. "You're not even going to believe this."

"Oh my gosh. What?"

"Listen to this bit." I skimmed through the message to find the sentence I was looking for. "Okay, listen to this. 'So I have a question for you. I was thinking about French kissing. I know, random. But do women like it when men get a little bit of saliva in their mouths? Does it make them feel sexy, or is it yucky? Just want to know so the next time I go on a date and I end up French kissing. Ha ha. Hope it's you. Then I’ll know what to do.'"

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance