Page 113 of Never Falling

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"Oh yeah, like Alice in Wonderland. A lost little girl. I see you don't give up."

"Excuse me?" I said, staring at her.

"Well, you tried to seduce him years ago, and you're back again, trying to seduce him."

"I'm not trying to seduce anyone. I..."

"I'm sorry about what happened to you at the party. That wasn't cool," she said. "But you were in high school, right? What were you thinking going to a college party by yourself? Oh yeah, I know." She laughed. "You were hoping to get with Foster."

"Enough," Foster said. He looked over at me. "Alice. Look, I'm so sorry. I..."

"How could you tell her?" I swallowed hard. I didn't want to have this conversation in front of Babs, but I just didn't know what else to say or do.

"I was confused. You had had an emotional night, and then you were offering yourself to me, and I didn't know what to do. So I went to hang out with Barbara."

"We fucked. Remember?" Barbara said with a small smile. I stared at him with wide eyes, not wanting to believe it.

He looked away from me. "I was in college. I was confused. I..."

"I remember thinking to myself, 'Shit, I wish he would come to my dorm every morning for a quick fuck.'" She grinned. "I guess that's how we got into our little situation, eh?"

I bit down on my lower lip. "I'm sorry. I'm going to go to my room."

"Alice, no. I..." Foster slammed his fist on the table. "Enough, Barbara. Stop trying to twist this. And Alice, please know anything Barbara has to say, she can say in front of you."

"What?" Barbara said. "What does this little"—she looked me up and down—"girl have to do with our business?"

"Because I'm dating her now, and she's an important person in my life. Whatever we figure out will mean something to her too."

"You're dating her."

"No, we're not dating," I said quickly, hurt in my voice. "We've never even been on one official date, and I don't know if I want to go on a date with you either."

Foster looked at me with narrowed eyes. "What are you saying, Alice?"

"I'm saying I can't believe that you told someone what happened to me at the party, and you told her what I said and what I wanted to do. And you never told me that you told anyone aside from Oliver."

He ran his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what to say."

"And you slept with her that morning when I offered myself to you? You slept with her? You slept with someone else?"

"I was in college. You have to understand that."

"I don't have to understand anything, Foster. I just..." I shook my head. I could feel that I was close to tears. "I just can't deal with this right now."

"Alice, please."

"Let her go, Foster. Obviously, she's too immature to deal with the fact that you are a man who will soon have responsibilities. Hey, better for you to know now. And, I mean, we've been back and forth for so long. Maybe we should make a go of it for real."

"I'm not interested in anything with you, Barbara. We haven't hooked up in months."

"Yeah, but that last time, though"—she licked her lips—"was so good."

"I wore protection. I always wear protection with you."

"You ever heard of the condom breaking, Foster?"

"But the condom didn't break. I think I would've known." He stared at me. "I'm sorry. I don't want to have this conversation in front of you. I..."

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance