Page 111 of Never Falling

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"No, I don't. That's why I'm asking you."

"Well, I wanted you. I mean, I've always wanted to be with you. Obviously, that's why I made my move. And you rejected me. And, I mean, I understand why," she said quickly, "so no need to feel bad about it, but it's just surreal being here with you. And I had another thought, something Molly mentioned to me that I figured I should ask."

"Oh? What's that?" I stared at her, wondering what she was thinking about, wondering what ideas Molly had put into her head.

"Well, if we're dating or going on dates or going to be in a relationship or whatever," she said quickly, "what does your company think about that? Are we allowed to date? Would HR be upset? I mean, you will also be my boss and..."

"Oh shit," I said, looking at her. "I didn't even think about that. I guess I should find out." I smiled at her. "But you haven't started yet, so I think we're okay."

"Yeah. I mean, I just don't want to be known as the girl who's fucking her boss." She made a face.

"So you are going to fuck me again."

"Of course," she said, grinning. "Just not the first date."

"But what if I really wanted you to?" I said, laughing.

"I think you could wait a little bit. Right, Foster?"

"But I've already had you, and it was so good, and..."

"Maybe it'll be even better if you wait a little bit longer for seconds."

"But I've already had seconds," I said, licking my lips.

"Yeah, but now you want thirds."

"I do," I said, nodding. "I want thirds and fourths and fifths and sixths and sevenths and eighths and..."

"Oh my gosh. What number are you going to go up to?" she said, giggling.

"I don't know. A hundred, a thousand, a million."

"Infinity?" she said.

I nodded. "Yeah, that would be nice." We stared at each other for a few seconds, and I realized that she did still have feelings for me, even though she hadn't expressly said so. I also realized that this wasn't a casual thing. I mean, I'd known that instinctively on some level that if I slept with her, that if I took her on a date, it couldn't just be casual. But this could be something. It could really be something. My phone started ringing, and I looked down and saw it was my dad. I sighed and looked into Alice's eyes.

"You okay?" she said quickly, concern in her eyes.

"It's just my dad. I’m sure he's calling about me wiring him more money because why wouldn't he?"

"Oh no. I'm sorry. How is everything going?"

"I don't have enough right now to put him one hundred percent in the black, but he's not going to lose his house or the car. I've told him I want him to speak to Mom, and I've told him I need him to speak to Rosalie as well."

"Oh? I thought you wanted to keep it a secret from her."

"I do, but she's talking about having a wedding in Antarctica now and paying for a bunch of people, and that's just not going to happen."

"Oh my gosh. Antarctica?" she said. "What?"

"Yeah. She didn't tell you because she said she wants it to be a surprise. She said most people can only dream of going to Antarctica and getting married there, and if she can make this happen for her best friends, then she wants to surprise them. But that's a couple of hundred thousand dollars. It's not going to happen. Oliver's not got that sort of money right now, and Dad certainly doesn't, and I'm not fronting that for her to get married in Antarctica." I rolled my eyes.

"Aw," Alice said with a laugh. "Poor Rosalie."

"Poor Rosalie nothing. But I think she deserves to know. Just like I guess we should tell her that we’re dating?"

"You want to tell her?"

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance