Page 106 of Never Falling

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"No, I understand. I mean, you'd just slept with him, which I think Rosalie doesn't know yet, either?"

I shook my head. "No, she doesn't. I want to tell her, but I just don't know how to, you know?" I said. "And I can't tell her about him getting the job offer in Brazil because she won't understand why he would take it, and I definitely can't tell her about her parents. She'd be absolutely devastated. And her dad was hoping to pay for the wedding or at least hoping to pay part with Oliver." I shrugged. "It's just a hot mess."

"Girl, I understand. And you're a really good friend for not saying anything. She's such a sweet girl that I think she would be really hurt if she knew that her dad was in such financial difficulties and was relying on her brother like that, you know?"

"I know." I nodded. "So, yeah, I don't really know what it means. He told me that he's not taking the job, that he got another offer and he's staying in New York City." I stared at her with wide eyes. "And how's it been between you two?"

"Um, fine. I kind of haven't seen him that much. He's been working a lot."

"So you guys haven't...?"

She nodded. "You know, once since the first time."

I sighed. "I don't know if it's because he's super busy or because he just doesn't want me and doesn't know how to tell me, you know?"


"I mean, it's a good sign that he's not going to Brazil, right?"


"I don't know if he's just trying to be professional now because I'm about to be his assistant."

"Oh yeah. Well, did you see that new rule they implemented?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Everyone who's in the program has to be an assistant to someone at the company. I thought that was interesting because from what he said, that wasn't a thing."

"I know." She nodded. "He definitely said it was just like an apprenticeship program where we were going to become stockbrokers or hedge fund managers or whatever," she said, laughing. "I'm not really sure the terminology, but now we're all going to be assistants. I just wonder who I'm going to be an assistant to."

"Is there anyone you want to be an assistant to?" I said, teasing her.

Her eyes widened. "I know you think I would want to be an assistant to Travis Covington. But like I said, yeah, he's gorgeous, but he is so cocky and full of himself, and I just don't need that in my life."

"Oh and why is that?"

"Because I'd love to bang his ass, and I can't bang my boss." She giggled and then froze. "Oops. I mean, I know you already technically banged your boss, but he's not your boss yet."

"Oh my gosh. This is going to be absolutely crazy, isn't it? I mean, what are you thinking is going to happen next? And do we know if HR has any rules on dating in the company?"

"I have absolutely no clue. I guess we'll find out tomorrow at that initial meeting."

"Yeah. Tomorrow is when we find out who our bosses will be."

"Yeah, and we'll get to meet the other people in the program. That will be cool. I hope it's some cool people."

"Me, too," I said, smiling and grabbing her hands. "I'm so excited. I mean, I'm technically more excited that I'm going to be seeing and working with Foster many hours a day than I am about finance because ETF who?"

"Mutual fund what?" she said, and we both started laughing.

"Girl, I was doing some research online yesterday because I'm like, I want to go to this first meeting and sound knowledgeable. And I was just like, 'what'?"

"Oh what were you looking up?" she asked me, curious.

"So I was looking up stocks."

"Okay, seems simple enough," she said.

"I was looking up stock trackers."

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance