Page 104 of Never Falling

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"If you're taking this job because you need the money to help your dad, as opposed to the fact that you really want to start the Brazilian branch, then we can work something out."

"What do you mean?" I said, staring at him in surprise.

"I don't want you to take a job you're not committed to. I have been thinking about offering you a raise here anyway. You're one of our top producers." He frowned. "I can't believe I'm going to say this because you're the best guy to open that branch, but maybe you should stay here."

"Wait, what? I—”

"Hear me out. I'll give you an advance."

"No." I shook my head. "I don't want an advance. I—”

"You've more than earned it. Plus, I saw the bonus you have coming up in the next six months. It's a lot of money."

"I know, but—”

"But nothing. I want my guys to be happy. You enjoy the job, you enjoy your life, you don't have stress, then you make me a lot of money, and you make a lot of other people a lot of money. You'll stay, we'll give you the bonus early, and I'll give you a raise."

"But Travis—”

"But nothing," he said. "Plus that Alice chick."

"What about her?" I asked him.

"Maybe you'll see where that goes."

"Oh it can't go anywhere. It—”

"You never know. Plus, you're the one who's vouching for her to join this program. Maybe she'll do well, and you can take her under your wing." He winked at me, and I laughed.

"I'm sure she would do well without me. Didn't you say you also wanted her to be your assistant?"

"Yeah, but the program is enough. She doesn't need to do both. She probably shouldn't do both. She needs to focus on the program."

"It's okay because I was actually thinking about making Molly my assistant, as well."

"You were?" I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah. You know I've been in need of someone."

"But Molly?"

He started laughing. "So you do have concerns about her?"

"I mean, I don't know her. I just met her recently, and I don't know if she can be the best assistant to the CEO."

"We'll see how it goes. So what do you say?"

"What do I say to what? To Molly being your assistant?"

"No, you idiot." He started laughing. "To staying here, taking the pay raise, getting your bonus early, and figuring out the new apprenticeship program with me."

"I mean, if you're sure I don't have to go to Brazil, I—”

"I'm sure." He nodded. "I want you to be happy, and we could make plenty of money here. I got some other guys in mind for the Brazil position. Plus, it won't hurt me to pop over there a couple of times to make sure that it's off to the right start."

"Thank you, Travis. This really means a lot to me."

"You're welcome. And if I can ask you to do one thing?"

Tags: J.S. Cooper Romance