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With that, I turn and walk away, not wanting to waste my time on this trash, only a battle cry sounds behind me and I spin around to see Maze coming straight for me, letting every inch of her crazy show.

I hastily step back, giving myself just a second more to rear my fist back, and as she tries to barrel into me, I let it fly, punching her right in the face and listening to the sweet sound of her nose crushing beneath my fist.

Chapter 21

It has been a month since Lucien came for me and every day it weighs heavily on my mind. I know he’s coming back. I feel it in my bones and now my eighteen birthday is only two months away. It’ll be soon, I just hope we’re ready.

Lucien is sneaky and despite having this army of new friends and family at my back, I fear that it won’t be enough. All it would take is one careless moment for me to be swept away and taken back to hell.

The crowd cheers around me and I snap my eyes down to the court to see my boys filing in for one of the most important games of the season. Slade comes out, pumped and ready. He instantly finds me and winks.

My skin flushes under his gaze and I can’t wait for this game to be over. I’ve got big plans for him and it’s got something to do with the handcuffs and whipped cream that I may or may not have acquired.

“Where’s your head been at today?” Nessa questions, not bothering to look across at me as she watches the boys barge out onto the court.

“Nowhere,” I tell her, hating when she worries. Our friendship has grown to the point where I might even consider her my best friend. Well, I guess she has no choice but to be my best friend seeing as though I have no other contenders. Though, Damian might be a little dirty if he heard me say that. “My mind has just been a mess, but what’s new?” I say with a cheery smile, letting her know it’s no big deal.

Nessa rolls her eyes. “How many times do we have to tell you that you’re not going anywhere? If Lucien shows up here, I’m going to kaboom his ass until he’s crying for his mommy.”

“His mommy is dead.”

“Even better,” she says before her eyes widen. “Actually, I take that back. That was an awful thing to say.”

“His mother was a cold bitch.”

“I guess I’m not surprised. He had to get his douchey ways from somewhere, right?” she says with a grunt. “I’d hate to see what his father was like.”

“I heard some pretty horrible stories, but I never actually met the man. Apparently, he died at war or something like that but they had no uniforms or badges or any of that stuff that soldiers usually have, so my theory is that she killed him.”

“What? The mother?”

“Most likely.”

“Jesus. What kind of people were you raised around?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty bad.”

Nessa glances across at me as the boys warm up on the court. “To be honest,” she grumbles. “For being a little mobster princess, I thought you’d have a nastier right hook.”

“Hey,” I demand, ready to show her just how bad my right hook can be as Slade’s sisters make faces at their brother from down on the sidelines.

“Fuck me,” Nessa grumbles under her breath, glancing away from the court.


“Freaking Damian. He’s doing that eyebrow thing again.”

I glance down at the idiot to find him grinning at Nessa as though he’s picturing her naked. His brows bounce suggestively and I do my best to hold back a laugh. “You know, you two would really hit it off.”

“Sure, we’d really hit it off if I felt like getting some sort of sexually transmitted disease. Just think, he’s the kind of guy to let an STD sit and fester. I can only imagine what’s going on below the belt.”

“He’s not that bad and you know it.”

She groans and flips him the bird, making him grin even wider. “He’s been non-stop hitting on me for nearly three weeks. Do you have any idea how irritating that is? Any other guy and I’d be able to handle it, but him…fuck. Every time it gets worse. Yesterday, he offered to eat me out from under the desk in the middle of class and thought he was such a gentleman because he didn’t ask for anything in return.”

“Well, how could you possibly turn down an offer like that?” I say, pressing my lips into a tight line, trying to keep serious, but really, is anything ever serious when we’re talking about Damian?

“How could I not?”

“Come on,” I laugh. “When was the last time you got any action? You said yourself you wanted to skank around a bit. Why not skank with Damian. It’d be perfect. Once you get past the disgust and peel back all the STD’s, you two would have fun.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic