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I don’t doubt that Roman has a nasty road rash on his back and is going to walk away from this a lesser man. It’s damn clear they’re here because they know what we did to their locker room yesterday, but going after Slade’s car with a sledgehammer was a huge error in judgment.

I’m not one for backing down from a fight and despite my better judgment telling me to throw myself in there and give Damian a hand, I find myself holding back. This fight just seems far beyond my capabilities. This is a man’s fight, no place for a woman like me.

Wanting to do my bit, I scramble for the sledgehammer that lays forgotten beside the tire and hold it up, ready and prepared to fuck someone up if they were to get past Damian. This is Slade’s chance to finally teach this prick a lesson and I won’t allow anyone to stand in his way. After all, Slade was the one who stood back and made sure I could get my hands on Rachel for wronging me, I guess I’m simply doing the same for him.

Roman has been a thorn in our sides since day one, and to think this shit has actually been going on long before I got here. He’s tried to cause shit between me and Slade, his bullshit had Slade arrested, then he went and got in league with Lucien Fucking Valentine who would have surely kicked his ass when he didn’t come through on whatever deal they made.

This fight has been a long time coming.

Seeing that Slade has more than the upper hand and doesn’t need me, I hurry around to Damian to find him handling himself like a pro. There are three guys here but one of them is already lying unconscious on the ground. Damian must have some built-up anger to be able to handle himself here, but that’s something we can talk about later. Now doesn’t exactly seem like the best time.

My eyes flick between my boys which is when something catches my attention. A petite brunette races away from the fight and my eyes bug out of my head.


I don’t know what it is but my gut is screaming at me that she had something to do with this. She led them here, showed them exactly where to find us and Slade’s truck. Now, I may not be stupid enough to involve myself in the boys’ fights, but I can sure hand this bitch her ass.

I take off after her, tossing the sledgehammer aside as it’s only slowing me down. I was born to run away from my problems so catching up to her takes no time at all.

I grab a handful of hair and put on the brakes.

She squeals out and instantly drops to the asphalt, begging me to let go. I’m a bitch, but I’m not cruel. I release my hold on her hair as she scrambles around on her knees, turning to face me. I hover over her, letting her see exactly what I think of her.

“Please,” she begs. “I didn’t mean to…”

I laugh out, cutting off whatever she was about to say as I already know that it’s complete bullshit. “You’re a fucking snake, of course you meant to. I wouldn’t even be surprised if you went to Roman, not the other way around.”


I see the truth in her eyes. I’m right and she knows that I know.

“I’m sorry,” she rushes out as tears spring to her eyes, desperately trying to save herself. “I really tried, I swear, but he hurt me. He just tossed me aside like I was nothing. Do you have any idea how pathetic that made me feel? He deserved it. I’ve done nothing but pine after him for four fucking years. I’ve loved him and said hello every morning as he passed my locker but I’m not even enough to qualify for a small fucking smile. He’s a bully. He’s mean.”

“No. You’re a snake. He’s neither of those things. He’s fucking perfect, but you already know that, don’t you? You want to know the reason he doesn’t give you the time of day?” I wait for a beat as her eyes search mine. “Because you’re fucking annoying. You follow him around like a bad smell. Why would he willingly invite you in? You’re batshit crazy.”

“I am not,” she screeches, attempting to get back to her feet. “I could have given him everything but he pushed me away like trash all because of you. You’re the problem here. You’re the trash, not me, and to think I was actually jealous of you and Nessa.”

I bark out a sharp laugh. “Jealous of me and Nessa? Are you fucking insane? You didn’t stand a chance. You betrayed my trust for a night with my man and he tossed you aside yet you’re blaming it on me and him. Don’t you see you’re the common problem here? You’re the snake, Maze. Nessa may be a bitch, but she’s a fucking loyal one with a backbone.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic