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I meet his eyes. I’ve known that since the second I ran, but actually hearing the words does things to me that I’m not quite sure I’m ready for. I raise my chin and brush my lips over his. “Thank you,” I whisper. “You don’t know how much I needed that.”

Slade nods and drops his forehead to mine. “They’re never going to hurt you again, Sky. You got that? Never. You’re my girl now and I don’t plan on ever giving you up.”

“You swear?”

“I fucking swear, babe. From now on, the only wedding you’re ever going to headline at is ours.” I raise a brow and he pulls back, his eyes bugging out as he realizes what the hell he just said.

I don’t say a word, just watch with amusement as he tries to dig himself out of this hole. “I mean…in a few years or you know…not at all, not if you don’t want to, but don’t think that I don’t want to…I do, it’s just…fuck.”

I shake my head, having way too much fun with this. “Shut up,” I tell him, crushing his lips to mine and picking up exactly where we left off.

Chapter 18

I wake with a start as two sets of tiny feet bolt up and down the hallway, their girly laughter bouncing off every wall in the house.

Oh, shit.

My eyes fly open as I recognize the sound to be Slade’s little sisters, Emma and Rain. What was I thinking of spending the night here?

Slade and I had gone out to the usual Aston Creek Friday night party after having an incredible week together. We were horny, tired, and drunk while we were making our way back home and as we passed Slade’s place first, that’s exactly where we ended up.

Slade groans as he pulls me tighter into his arms. “What time is it?”

I shake my head against his chest. I had my alarm set for 7 am so I could get out of here before we got sprung so it’s got to be sometime before that. I’m just about to share that bit of information with him when his sister’s sharp whisper-yell comes giggling from the living room. “I’m going to jump on Slade.”

I don’t know them well enough to work out which one had said it but what I do know is that this is not good. If I’m caught in here…shit.

My eyes bug out of my head as I glance under the blanket to realize I’m butt-fucking-naked. Damn it. Screw me and my horny need to screw my boyfriend. Do I have to be such a skank and sleep naked too? Fuck my life.

“Oh, fuck,” Slade panics.

“Not if I jump on him first,” his other sister bellows.

“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” I start chanting as it sounds like a herd of elephants bounding back down the hallway towards Slade’s bedroom door. “I cannot have your sisters see me in my birthday suit. They will never forget this. Every single time I’m here they’re going to remind me that they saw my titties.”

“Well, they’re nice titties.”

“Slade,” I shriek, slamming my hand against his chest while trying to be as quiet as possible. “Seriously?”

He laughs. “I’ve got shorts on. You’re on your own here, babe.”

The girls get closer and I thank God that Slade is toward the end of the hallway, but I don’t have long. In fact, I have less than a second to figure out what the hell I’m going to do.

I hear the girls by his door as Slade glances around his bedroom. “What about the closet?”

I look over and shake my head. “I’ll never make it in time.”

The door handle begins turning and in a panic, I do the only thing any sane girl would do in my position; I drop my ass to the floor with a thud that’s going to leave one hell of a nasty bruise.

As the door swings open and the girls creep in on their tippy-toes, I slide myself under the bed, praying that they don’t look under here.

Slade must be pretending to sleep as they’re giggling softly to themselves while my titties freeze, causing my way too exposed nipples to harden.

Don’t look down here. Don’t look down here. Please, God, don’t look down here.

I glance across and watch as their light footsteps come to a standstill beside the bed then grin to myself as I hear their whispers. “One, two, three…CANNONBALL.”

Their feet disappear from beside the bed as Slade gasps. I throw a hand over my mouth, more than ready to start enjoying this sweet family moment when the girls actually hit the bed and the mattress above comes within an inch of my face. “Oh, holy fuck,” I murmur to myself with wide eyes.

I watch the mattress bouncing up and down as the girls jump and go apeshit on his bed, each time coming closer and closer to my face, making me suck in a breath and pray that I won’t need a nose job after this.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic