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I’m in real trouble here. Real fucking trouble.

I hate that I want him so bad and even after finally being with him last night, I’m left wanting so much more. Hell, I’m even positive that I might have admitted to being his but that could have been a post-sex fog error of judgment.

I try to ignore the fact that just looking at him has my body coming alive and focus on the matter at hand. “Would you be quiet?” I hiss, glancing around to make sure Shay, Ben, and Blake haven’t come to investigate, but after that awkwardness with Blake, I’m sure they’re down for giving me a bit of space. “What are you even doing here?”

“I had plans for today,” he tells me, that glare beginning to seep out of his gaze and being replaced with something a little more devilish, something a little darker, wild, and needy.

I shake my head. “Nope. Not happening. I’m not your little groupie. You can’t just show up here whenever you want and start demanding things from me. That isn’t how this works.”

“Really?” his lips pull up into a sly grin and without warning, he reaches over the threshold of the door and pulls me out into the chilly morning. My body is pressed up against the brick wall of my home and within moments, Slade’s warm inviting body is pushing up against mine, crowding my space with every delicious piece of him.

He leans in so close that his breath tickles my neck and causes all sorts of havoc south of my border. “Please, enlighten me on how this is supposed to work then?” He grips my waist with his strong fingers, making me suck in a tight breath. “Because your body sure seems to want that from me.”

I find my head tilting, offering my neck up to him like a buffet and just as I had desperately hoped, he takes the bait. Slade’s fingers trail up from my waist to my shoulder and gently pushes my tank out of the way. His lips drop to my shoulder and like a caress, they move along to the base of my neck, sending shivers all over my skin.

He kisses me there and I find myself succumbing to his wishes and moaning like a hussy on my front doorstep. I place my hands up against his wide chest, preparing myself to push him away but instead of following through, my hands end up roaming over his chest, one finding purchase over his heart while the other creeps up around his neck and pulls him in closer.

I turn my face into him and he instantly trades my neck for my lips, devouring me like the sweetest treat. “We can’t,” I pant between breaths.

“To hell with that, Virago,” he says. “We can and I bet that sweet ass of yours that we will.”

I kiss him again, deepening it as my need starts to control my actions. My hand comes up from his chest, gliding over his throat and to his chin. I force my fingers between our mouths until they’re completely covering his lips and cutting him off.

“No,” I tell him. “You need to go.”

“No way in hell,” he says. “If I leave right now, you’re going to start reminding yourself of all the bullshit reasons why we shouldn’t do this. I want you, Skylah and despite everything that you keep telling yourself, you want this too. You belong with me, just as I do with you.”

I shake my head. I know I’m feeling exactly what he is, but I can’t. The fear grips me. If I give in to this, what do I do when the pain comes back? How am I going to survive when he leaves and I have no one to take away the images in my head? It’s all good now, but what about later?

“This will never work,” I say, meeting his eyes. “You and me…we’re too different. I’m too stubborn and you’re too much of an ass. One fight and one of us will end up either dead or in prison.”

He grins wide, his eyes glistening with excitement. “I know, isn’t it exciting?”

“No,” I scoff. “It’s terrifying.”

Slade watches me for a second and I see something softening in his eyes and it makes me feel like I have the world at my feet. His lips gently brush over mine in the sweetest caress. “Come on,” he tells me. “Give this a chance. You can’t deny it, you know it’s going to be good. We can start slow if you want.”

“Slow?” I laugh. “You already got me in bed before you were able to get me to admit anything. I don’t think things go any faster than that.”

He grins wide, proud of last night’s achievement. “Just imagine all the other things I could get you to do.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic