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The only time he’s ever looked at me like that was on that very first day when he made me feel so freaking small. He knows what he’s doing. He knows the effect he has on me. He’s doing this to make me hurt. This is my punishment; one I don’t deserve.

I let out a sigh. This is going to be a long fucking night.

Nessa and I sit for an hour, talking shit and drinking. The bottle is nearly gone but I’m in far too much of a mood to be enjoying it. I don’t doubt that I’ll be wobbling around the second I get to my feet, but for now, it’s helping me to forget the imposing man sitting across the yard who keeps my heart captured.

If he doesn’t want me then surely it’s fair to let me go, right? Why won’t he let me go and put me out of my misery?

I find myself getting to my feet, keeping my eyes narrowed on Slade. My legs feel like jelly beneath me. “Sky, where the hell are you going?” Nessa calls from below, having to raise her voice over the noise.

I put her out of my mind. I have one job and one job only.

I start crossing the yard, knocking into people and sending their drinks toppling down to the grass. They turn their pissed off glares my way and have a few words to say about it. I keep walking, not sparing them a single thought.

By the time I reach him, his dark, intense eyes are already on mine and they give me pause. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them look so dark. Hell, if I didn’t know better, I’d be running in the opposite direction.

Slade stands and looms over me, making the partiers stop and gawk while pulling out their phones, ready for a showdown. It’s no secret that something is going on between us and the rest of the school has been desperate to find out the details.

“What do you want?” he demands, his voice low and terrifying, that tone he saves only for the enemy, one that seems so much worse than my first day at school.

“So, you’re just going to continue hating me for this bullshit?” I demand, waving my hands around and getting burned as my fingers brush over his heated skin. “What did you expect me to do? She was the one who stood to lose everything, not you. Have you thought about anyone else but yourself?”

He bares down toward me and my jelly legs give out. I start falling and his vice-like grip circles my arm and hoist me back to my feet. “You think you can just come in here and air all my dirty fucking laundry?” he demands, looking at me as though he truly hates me, but it’s no secret that there’s a deep hurt beneath the surface and I hate that I’m the one who put it there. I want nothing more than to take away his pain but I don’t think that’s possible. He’s too far gone.

Slade pushes me away and I stagger as I try to catch myself. “Go home, Skylah. You’re fucking wasted.”

I pause, staring up at him with hurt.

How can he be so cruel?

Have I been wasting my time, falling for someone too closed off to feel anything real? Is he too cruel to fall in love?

Slade shakes his head when I don’t make a move. “I’m out,” he says, aimed at Damian while his eyes remain tightly locked on mine.

He strides past me, his long arm nearly bowling me over as he passes and I’m left staring at Damian, begging myself not to cry. He walks towards me, keeping a distance. “Slade’s right. You should go. You’ve had too much to drink. Go and sleep it off.” My tears start to fall and Damian sighs. “Just go. I’ll come and check on you tomorrow.”

With that, he walks away, leaving me standing here, an absolute mess.

Chapter 14

My feet drag, one step after another as the tears stream down my face.

I really fucked it up. It’s over. He’s too mad, too hurt to find forgiveness and peace within and it’s going to eat him alive.

He’ll never be able to let this go. I’m always going to be that girl who he thought was special but at the first chance, betrayed his trust.

He’s hurting so bad, but deep down I feel that it’s not me he’s pissed at. Lucien is the enemy here. His mom is the one who kept the secret and his morals are telling him how damn wrong it would be to take it out on her. Lucien isn’t here to get the brunt of his anger and that only leaves me, the piece of the puzzle that ties it all together.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic