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She hasn’t got a damn thing to be embarrassed about. Her body is fucking killer with clothes on, but without…fuck, she’s everything. That was a private moment between us and while I don’t give a shit about people seeing me like that, she’s my girl and having the world see what she chose to share with me has me ready to knock some fucking heads together.

Having Roman show up was the fucking cherry on top. I really got the fucker good and despite the pain that shoots up my arm every time I curl my fingers into a fist, it was worth it. I’d do it again and again just to watch his face rebound off my fist, sending him down to the ground, right where he belongs.

Now I’m paying for it though. My hand is fucking killing me. I should have iced it hours ago.

Who the fuck does that little prick think he is? He’s been causing trouble for me ever since the beginning of my junior year when I made a fucking mockery of him on the court. He’s been five steps behind me ever since and the sorry fucker has never been able to get over it.

But now he’s gone too far.

Lucien Valentine has been a fucking thorn in my side since the night he stole my freedom on that court. He threatened me, my basketball career, and my fucking family all at once. I had no choice but to take his deal, but the second I laid eyes on Skylah Daniels, I knew I was fucked.

Seeing her standing by her locker on that first day blew me the fuck away. She was radiant. She had a permanent scowl etched onto her face and fear lacing her eyes. I knew instantly that something wasn’t adding up.

Lucien made out like this girl was going to be dangerous in Aston Creek, that she was going to fuck everything up and it was in my best interest to get rid of her. How could I have said no? She was just some girl and getting rid of her meant my family would be safe.

Fuck, one glance of that face and I knew this was going to be the hardest thing I’d ever face, and I was right. I crumbled like a fucking bitch.

She came at me, guns blazing and I let her because she was fucking gorgeous. I’ve never seen anyone quite like her. She captured me within seconds and that fiery attitude had me desperate to dig deeper. I knew from that very first meeting that I was never going to give this girl up to that despicable man, how could I? She was radiant and he was trash, but I had to at least try for my family.

As I learned more about her and of her life before coming here, my heart shattered. I’ve never felt anything like it. I was broken for her. How could anyone be so fucking strong? She’s so much more than just incredible. Her parents were murdered before her very eyes, she was taken and sold to a family with bad intentions, and then she endured hell by that man.

In what world would Lucien think I’d ever give her up to him? He’s a fucking joke and deserves to be in prison. I hate the fact that she’s spent thirteen years with the man, I hate that he touched her and I hate that he stole her innocence.

What’s his fucking problem? He has more than enough cash to do whatever the fuck he wants. If he wanted to get his dick wet, there are people he could have called. Horny bitches who would have done it for free just to get his attention. There’s no reason why he had to touch her and it kills me knowing that while I was here fucking around with a basketball, she was over there enduring something no woman should ever have to endure.

I don’t know what I’m going to do. That thought has plagued my mind since I first realized that I was going to keep Skylah. She’s mine, it may have taken a while for her to understand and accept that, but now that I have her, I’m never letting go which means sooner or later, Lucien is going to come looking and when he does, it’ll be me standing in the crosshairs.

I’m fucking ready. Every step he takes, I’m going to be there, waiting and ready. He will not hurt her and he sure as hell will never touch my family.

I know he’s coming. There’s no way in hell he wouldn’t. The only silver lining is knowing that Roman Fucking Westbrock is going to have to go back to him and admit that he couldn’t come through. I don’t doubt there are going to be repercussions for him and one day, I’m really going to enjoy hearing all about them.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic