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Slade sits in silence but judging from the glare he’s shooting at Damian, I’d dare say that he was more than happy to watch me kick some high school ass.

With a groan, I drop down beside Slade as Damian unlocks his phone. Slade reaches under the table and laces his fingers through mine in a show of support that instantly puts me on edge. Why the hell do I need support? It’s fine. Whatever they’re trying to call me out for is complete bullshit. If anything, they’re the ones who are going to need support when I give them a brand new nose job.

Damian’s phone is flipped around and I take it. As I look down at the screen and find a collage of photos that come up as a slideshow, my stomach starts to sink. The first is a photo of Damian and I at his party a few weeks ago when we were dancing. His hand was cupped between my legs and my head tipped back on his shoulder in pleasure. The next is me dropping down into Roman’s car, then me and Damian again at that same party, only this image is of us upstairs right as I’m reaching for the door handle to walk into his bedroom. Nothing happened that night but a picture is worth a thousand words and this one is pretty fucking damning.

I swipe to the next image to find Slade and I sneaking out of the supply closet last week, but it’s the final one that really gets me. It’s not just a photo but a recording of my bedroom and usually, I wouldn’t have an issue with that, only Slade and I just happen to be on my bed, butt-fucking-naked while he hovers above me, lips on my neck and buried deep inside of me, showing me just how good it can truly get.

The words ‘cheater or slut?’ comes up as the last slide before the whole damn thing starts again, making bile rise in my throat. Slade’s hand tightens in mine, realizing that I’ve seen the whole thing but I’m stuck on the thought that some fucking creep was watching through the window while we were getting it on. In fact, now the whole fucking school has seen me in my most vulnerable position, the whole fucking school has seen me naked and what’s worse is that they’re laughing at me as though this kind of invasion of mine and Slade’s privacy is acceptable.

I snap my glare up at Damian and he pulls back, never having seen it quite so lethal. “Who sent this?”

He shakes his head and cringes. “I don’t know. It came from a random number. No one can work out who it belongs to.”

“Fuck,” I yell, feeling the humiliation wash over me as everyone’s eyes remain locked on our table. Not only has someone been watching me through my window, they’ve been following me around, everywhere I go and despite the truth, people are going to believe what they see, and these photos are evidence that I’m nothing but a cheap whore…or slut as the video so kindly supplied.

Every last person who sees this is going to assume that I’m down to screw around with anyone. I mean, I was willing to give it up to Damian and when Roman flashed that smile at me, I was putty for the shortest moment, but the only one I’ve ever gotten truly intimate with was Slade and we’re together.

I’ve only ever felt humiliation like this once before and right now, I can’t seem to figure out which one felt worse. One man taking advantage of my body, forcing himself on me, or the whole school looking at my body and watching as I come.

Rationally, I know which is worse but the whole fucking school seeing me like that?

“It’s going to be alright,” Slade murmurs, pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head. “I’m going to make this go away.”

I shake my head, not knowing how the fuck he could possibly do that but with a quick nod to Damian, the two of them start moving. Damian jumps down from his perch on the table and crosses the room faster than anything while Slade gets up from beside me and steps up onto the table, facing the crowd of onlookers and making me gawk in horror.

What the hell is he planning on doing?

People start cheering for him as though he’s up there to boast about his latest conquest. “Yeah,” one guy shouts out. “You’re my fucking king. Was she good?”

Slade’s eyes grow impossibly darker and the lethal way that they narrow on the guy has the whole cafeteria falling into instant silence.

The door is slammed.

Everyone jumps.

People start looking around in a panic, hearing the sickeningly wicked squeal of the lock sliding into place.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic