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I tried to be a good man every day. I held doors open for women of any age. I grabbed a heavy bag in a store, especially for the mothers that didn’t look like they had a man around to help them.

On an average year, I fixed more female strangers’ flat tires than my own.

Not to mention, I remained on my best behavior for all the newly divorced women that would call my personal line and swear that they heard a burglar or something in their house. I would rush there, worried, because I knew they lived alone. Almost always, no person crept around their property, and they usually stood in a candlelit house topless and wearing the tiniest panties.

I didn’t take it there with those women.

They didn’t want my dick. They were just scared to be alone. To wake up one day at an old age and realize that they’d never loved the right way. It was wrong to manipulate their sorrow and have sex with them. Instead, I held them once they put back on their clothes. I listened to their sad stories until the sunrise.

When I left, I promised to remain in touch as their friend.

And I did.

I was a good man.

But tonight.

This night tested me.

No one lay around Faith, and she moaned and craved a touch. I wanted to be that person to pleasure her. I could’ve had my clothes off within half of a minute. I could’ve been on top of her in less than that, pushing and shoving my cock into her and making her forget the name that she whispered and moaned.

I could’ve done it all,

but she hadn’t invited me.

I’d stumbled along.

Do I just leave or do I make sure she gets back to her house? Is this my business or. . ? Is she crazy for being out here, naked, and in the cold like this? Or is it her God-given right? She’s not hurting anybody.

And then things shifted to even more odd.

She turned to her side and stared at the darkness. “I’m thinking about everything.”

Again, I looked around and saw no one.

“You watch me?” she asked the silent air.

Shock filled her eyes.

Remy is an imaginary person?

“When I’m in my bedroom?” Her body shivered. It didn’t look like she was cold, but she had to be.

Okay. This is bad. I can’t let her be out here like this.

Sighing, she lay her head down on a pile of snow. “No. I guess.” She waited a minute and then said, “Sometimes I feel alone, especially when my girls are gone.”

My heart broke for her. Had Brett and this world ripped my woman apart so much that she’d lost parts of herself in the process? Had Brett’s crap got in her head and disturbed that amazing mind?

She thinks someone is around her.

It hurt to see Faith going mad.

In that moment, I knew I’d go to war for her. I’d battle anything. Any creature. I would step into a dark alleyway, hand-in-hand with this woman, right as a monster growled from the shadows.

Just from being in her space, she made me feel safe and balanced, and so I would give her that protection and sensation of bliss too.

She would be my queen, only if I rose to be her king.

Tags: Kenya Wright Romance