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Do I want to be his girlfriend? I don’t know, but do I want to be the girl he calls, the one who’s supporting him at his games, the one who knows him best? Damn fucking straight, I do.

Shit. I’m in a world of trouble.

I get myself dressed and grab my jacket and bra off his desk. Opening his door, I stick my head out and peer up and down the hall. I know he said his sisters were at a sleepover, but his parents were just out for a business dinner and are bound to be here. After all, it’s a Sunday morning and the birds are chirping, what else would they be doing right now?

With the coast clear, I sneak out into the hall, peeking behind doors until I find the bathroom. I quickly freshen up but don’t put too much effort into it seeing as though I live a shitload closer than I ever imagined. I’m still baffled by how oblivious I was to the fact that he was so close all this time. That weekend of no sleep without my knife could have been so much easier had I known it was just a few houses down. I could have raided the place and had it back in my hand in mere seconds.

The question of my knife is throwing me off though. Slade said I’d be safe with him last night and after fooling around a little more, I fell into a peaceful sleep, curled into his warm arms. My hand didn’t go searching under pillows for a weapon and my brain didn’t take me to places it shouldn’t go. I felt safe just like he said I would be and what’s more is that I trusted he’d take care of me. I don’t know whether that should frighten me or not. Putting trust in someone only opens me up to allowing them the chance to betray me.

I try to put it to the back of my head. This shit only just happened, I shouldn’t be thinking so hard about it, I should relax and try to enjoy the journey. The Lucien bullshit is far from over but I shouldn’t let that hold me back from enjoying other aspects of my life.

I walk out into the living room and come to a startling stop as I come face to face with Slade’s mom. Her eyes bulge out in surprise and my mouth drops open, horrified that I was just sprung by my possible boyfriend’s mom doing the walk of shame. How freaking humiliating.

“Oh,” she says in surprise. “This is different.”

“I….um….” I cringe, having absolutely no idea what to say to this woman. I mean, what is there to say? Thanks for letting me crash in your house after your son boned me until I screamed? No.

“Don’t worry,” she says with a heavy sigh. “I really shouldn’t be surprised when it comes to that boy. You don’t need to explain yourself. I was young once too.”

I give her an awkward smile and go to head for the door but as I get closer, something pulls at a memory within me. I find myself stopping and staring at the woman before me as she watches me back, wondering what kind of weirdo her son has brought into her home.

It finally clicks and I pull in a sharp breath as my eyes widen in shock. She’s the girl from the photograph, Daniella Peirce, the one with my mom and Lucien, though back then she would have known him as Lucas Valery. So many things come to mind of what I should say to this woman. She’s the one who could help nail that bastard, she’s been in my position, she knows what it’s like to have that man steal your innocence and leave you feeling ashamed.

I could say hundreds of things right now but what comes out of my mouth has tears springing to my eyes. “You knew my mom.”

“Excuse me?” Daniella says, tilting her head as she tries to place me.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Cruz, I know I must sound insane, but I found an old photograph of you with my mother, Rochelle. You were friends.”

Her hand flies to her mouth and she stares at me as though she’s looking at a ghost. “You’re Chelle’s little girl?” she questions with tears filling her eyes.

I nod, feeling a connection to this woman that I can’t even begin to explain. “Yeah, my name is Skylah.”

“Oh,” she cries, bounding through her living room to get to me. She crashes into me, throwing her warm, inviting arms around me. “Oh, sweet girl. I thought we’d never see you again.” I hold onto her with everything I’ve got as she squeezes me tight. “Your mom was my best friend. I still think of her to this day. I miss her so much.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Aston Creek High Erotic