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Jackson nods. “My pleasure,” he says, curling his hand around the back of the feeding baby’s head before bringing his eyes to mine. “Becoming a father has really opened my eyes to what’s important in life.”

“That’s so deep, man,” I tell him, getting caught in our moment, still with my hand on his shoulder. I glance down at our daughter, “But I couldn’t agree more.”

“Fuck, no,” Nate says with a groan, interrupting our magical moment and realizing exactly what’s happening before his very eyes. “This can’t be happening. Don’t do it, Jess. Don’t go to the dark side.”

“I think I’m already there,” I tell him with a growing grin. “Believe it or not, but I think I’ve just fallen in love with the father of my baby.”

“Don’t be scared, Jesse. Call it what it is,” Jackson says. “We’re life partners. From here on out, I’m your guy.”

I nod, grinning up at Jackson as Nate groans and turns to head right back out the door. “Kaylah,” he yells. “You need to fix this. You broke them.”

Chapter 13


It’s finally summer break and the last few weeks have been incredible. Jesse and my brother are getting along so freaking well that it’s kind of beginning to freak me out. They formed some sort of ultimate bromance during the last two weeks of school with that baby and I don’t know whether to thank Principal Watkins for making my life so much easier or hate on him for forcing them together to the point that I hardly get to see either of them anymore. They’re always together and don’t get me wrong, I love seeing them being such great friends, but it’s weird. Maybe it’s just one of those things that I’ll have to get used to.

Jesse drags me out of bed first thing in the morning and I groan but his excitement is coming off him in waves and I find it impossible to be mad with him. “What’s got you in such a great mood?” I ask, rubbing a hand over my face as I take in his grey sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips while his washboard abs and wide chest are on full display, making my mouth water with desire.

He starts rushing around his room, finding shit to wear then stops to look back at me with a contagious grin. “I want to take my boat out.”

“Yeah?” I ask as the excitement begins to bubble deep within me.

“Yep. I just need to convince Nate and Tora and then we’re good.”

“Why do we need them?”

Jesse gets back to grabbing his things and finds my bikini that’s been living in his drawer for when I come over. He grabs it and tosses it at me. “Because I need him to sink the boat trailer so I can drive it off.”

I shake my head, staring at him in confusion. “Yeah, I don’t know what you just said.” His brows furrow and I continue. “I’ve never been on a boat so I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m excited.”

“Seriously?” he questions, bounding toward me. “I get to take you on your first boat ride? Fuck, babe. You’re going to love it. It’s so fucking good.”


“Hell, yeah. Now, hurry up and get dressed so we can go. I’m going to wake Nate and Tora.” He runs out his door while calling over his shoulder. “Don’t forget your sunblock.”

I laugh to myself as Jesse rushes down the hallway. I hear him barge into Nate’s bedroom quickly followed by Tora’s loud squeals. “Wake up, fuckers. We’re taking the boat out.”

They groan and grunt and I’m pretty sure I hear something crash into the wall before Jesse laughs and whoops with excitement. Tora screams again just moments before I hear a loud thud against the floor and I wonder if Jesse literally just dragged her out of bed.

“KAYLAH,” Nate’s voice rings out. “Come and get your boyfriend.”

“No way,” I chuckle, getting dressed. “Your brother. Your problem.”

There’s another loud noise before Jesse howls out with a booming laugh. The bedroom door is slammed and then Jesse is barging into his room with wide eyes. “Shit, babe. We got to go before that fucker comes for us.”

“For us? Don’t you mean you?”

“We’re a package deal, Tiger. If I go down, then you’re coming right along with me.”

“You and Jackson are the new package deal so you can forget about dragging me down.”

Jesse grabs me around the waist before throwing me over his shoulder and spanking my ass. He grabs both of our phones, his keys, and wallet from his bedside table and before I know it, he’s racing out of his room and down the stairs. I hold onto him tight, terrified of Jesse skipping a step and falling to the bottom. It’s not a long stretch, seeing as though I watched him do that very thing only last week, though he managed to do it without spilling a drop of beer.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance