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Kaylah’s head falls as her hands cover her beautiful face. “No, you idiot. You’re as bad as my brother.”

“Okay, you’re going to have to help me out here because I’m lost.”

“Shark week is another way of saying that I have my period without actually having to say it.”

Understanding dawns. “Ohhh,” I laugh before making more sense of her earlier comments about not having supplies. My eyes widen in understanding. “Ohhh.”

Kaylah keeps her head hidden in her hands, clearly embarrassed by her situation before wanting an extra layer of protection and pulling her blanket right up over her head. “Now that I’m utterly ashamed and embarrassed, can you go? Mom won’t be home till later this afternoon to save me, so we could hang out tonight, you know if you haven’t run for the hills before then.”

“No way. I’m here for you, babe. What do you need?”

She drops her blanket just a smidge and looks up at me from under her lashes. “You’re going to go to the store to buy me tampons?”

“If that’s what you need.”

“You’re insane.”

“And you’re fucking adorable when you’re embarrassed.”

Her eyes shimmer with love. “Thank you. Any other guy would have been out the door in the blink of an eye.”

I grin. “Not me, personally, I think having your period is a beautiful thing.” Kaylah gawks at me as though I’m insane and I continue. “It confirms there’s no bun in that oven.”

“You’re an idiot,” she laughs.

I wink, knowing just how much she likes it. “So, just tampons? Is there anything else on your shopping list?”


“You got it, babe,” I tell her. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

I skip out of her room feeling like a fucking hero being able to help her like this. If I don’t, she’s going to have a pretty shitty day, and I just can’t let that happen.

“Are you sure you know what you’re looking for?” she calls at my retreating back.

How hard could it be? “I’ve got it under control,” I tell her. There’s a sharp laugh coming from her room and I roll my eyes as I step out into the morning air.

I get into my car and within five minutes I’m pulling up at the store. After parking and getting my ass through the door, I go searching for the correct aisle and finally find it right toward the end.

I turn down the aisle and the further I get, the more daunting this task becomes. What the fuck did I just get myself into? There are rows upon rows of these things. Different colors, sizes, brands…wait. What the fuck is a diva cup?

I’m so out of my league.

I stop right in the center and try not to look frightened. I can do this. I don’t even have to talk myself up this much when I’m launching myself off the roof and into the pool or swinging from the second story chandelier.

Alright, Jess. You’ve got this. You’re a fucking legend. A tampon will not be your downfall.

I start looking over them, feeling completely lost. There are ones for ‘women on the go’ with a woman running on the front, clearly, this is for sports mode or there’s a woman in white, lazing about and that’s got to be for regular around the house type days.

I pull out my phone and ignore the text from Nate wondering why the hell I’m not at school.

Jesse – Do you plan on going into sports mode today?

Kaylah – What?

Jesse – Will you be working out or chilling at home?

Kaylah – Chilling at home??????

Problem solved. I go to reach for it when I notice there are sizing. What the fuck? I lean in closer, wanting to read all the options. Okay, we’ve got slim, regular, super, super plus, and ultra. Ultra? What? Surely, that must be for women who just had babies.

As for Kaylah…hmm. I glance down. I’m not exactly a small guy. I’d definitely consider myself a little more than regular, but the question is super or super plus? I grin to myself, feeling pretty fucking confident and grab one of each. After all, it’s better to be safer than sorry.

I start walking out of the aisle when I pass by the pads and just to be a fucking brilliant kind of guy, I figure I’ll grab her some of these too. I go to pick up a packet when something has me reaching for my phone again.

Jesse – Wings? What the fuck are wings?

Kaylah – …

Kaylah – What the hell are you doing in there? You’ve been gone for nearly an hour!

Jesse – So…no wings?

Kaylah – No wings.

Jesse – Wait…as in you want the ones with no wings or you don’t want them at all.

Kaylah – AT ALL!!!!!!!

I laugh to myself as I back away from the pads.

Jesse – How about a diva cup? Or liners. There are also period undies, though you’re really going to have to explain this shit to me when I get back because this is blowing my fucking mind!!

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance