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All I know is that after the taste I got last night, there’s no way in hell that I’ll be able to continue on without getting more. Brylee is my end game and I’d be a fucking fool not to give it one last shot.

I’m just about to put my key in the ignition to get my ass home when a text comes through on my phone. I glance down and arch a brow as I see Brylee’s nickname on my screen. Out of all the people I’d expect a message from today, she was certainly not one of them.

Freckles – Um…you used a condom, right?

I think back, trying to recall the moment before she raised up and slide down on my dick. She held me, I held her ass, we kissed, it was messy and desperate, fucking limbs going everywhere…but a condom?


Chapter 7


I stand at the front of the church, watching as my aunt Kate pours her heart out saying her vows. She holds tightly onto the hands of her groom who hasn’t stopped looking at her in adoration since she came walking down the aisle.

I never thought this day was going to come. Kate and Harrison have been together for at least ten years. She’s my dad’s little sister who had it hard in her teen years. She fell pregnant with my older cousin, Arianna, when she was fifteen and the second she told her boyfriend that she was knocked up, he ran for the hills. Kate did it all on her own until she finally met Harrison and the two of them have been inseparable ever since. He gave her the life she’s always deserved and brought Arianna along. They even have two little boys of their own now.

I stand beside Arianna who’s had tears in her eyes since we first woke up this morning. I reach out and take her hand, giving it a quick squeeze as I glance across at her. She gives me a warm smile and laughs at herself, not usually one to fall victim to her emotions. “Oh, shut up,” she teases. “I can’t help it.”

I laugh before turning back to the bride and groom. This is my favorite part of every wedding ceremony, especially when the couple writes their own vows. It’s one of the most honest and raw moments a human can experience and to be able to do it with the person you love just seems far beyond anything I’ll ever be lucky enough to experience.

They exchange rings and I blink back tears of my own. These two are so in love. No one deserves this happy ending more than them. Before I know it, the line “You may kiss your bride,” is being said with pride and Harrison is grabbing Kate as though he can’t possibly get enough and kissing her with everything he’s got.

The ceremony comes to an end and the bride and groom walk back up the aisle with their bridal party following behind. We walk out the front of the church and Arianna instantly throws her arms around her mom. “You finally did it,” she beams. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you, my darling,” Kate says with tears brimming in her eyes. “Have I told you how beautiful you look in this dress?”

Arianna rolls her eyes as Kate and Harrison’s guests begin pouring out of the church to congratulate them. “Yes,” Arianna groans. “I’m sure you’ve said it at least one hundred times since I first put it on. Now, stop making this moment about me, this is all you, mom.”

Kate and Harrison hardly get a chance to say ‘hi’ to all their guests before the photographers are herding everyone into a big group to take photos and I find myself standing among my family. Mom curls her arm around my side and pulls me in while beaming with joy. “You made an excellent bridesmaid,” she whispers as the photographers start going nuts with their cameras.

I keep my smile on my face, not wanting to be the reason for a ruined photo. “Thanks, mom. It’s been fun. We all got our hair and makeup done this morning while sipping champagne and feasting on fruit platters and pancakes.”

“Damn, I missed out,” she says with a soft laugh. “But it’s not over yet. Are you girls still planning on doing a speech together?”

I let out a long breath, not wanting to be caught groaning while so closely surrounded by all these people. “Yeah,” I say, feeling slightly nervous and anxious while trying to give myself a mental pep talk. After all, what Arianna and I have planned for our ‘speech’ is not exactly traditional. “Arianna talked me into writing our speech as a song to the tune of ‘Sexy and I Know it’ and now I have to get up in front of all these people and sing.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance