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“Santa is bringing your presents.” Roan lightly tickled her.

Trinity giggled, rested her head against his shoulder, and looked at him with adoring eyes. Roan melted. “I’ve been nice. Not the least bit naughty.”

“Not even when you flushed your Hot Wheels down the toilet?”

“I tol’ you.” Trinity folded her arms over her chest and looked exasperated. “That was an assident, Daddy.”

God, how he loved her. Roan squeezed her so tight he could feel her little heart beating. Shame burned the nape of his neck. His child came first. Always. But it wasn’t fair to Jazzy to keep her hiding out in the guest bedroom.

“How was the tea party?” he asked.

Trinity made a face. “I don’t like hot tea...” She paused, then added, “So, they brought me hot chocolate with little pink heart marshmallows. I liked that.”

“No kidding?” He ruffled her hair and kissed the top of her head again.

“The cookies had sprinkles on them, but they weren’t as good as yours,” Trinity declared. “And I got to meet Alice in Wonderland. She is bootiful.”

“That’s wonderful.”

She crinkled her nose. “I didn’t like the Mad Hatter, though. He talked too loud and smelled funny.”

“Mad Hatters are like that.” Chuckling, he shook his head. “I’m glad you’re back safe and sound. Thanks for taking her, Mom. I hope she wasn’t any trouble.”

“No trouble at all. You heard her. She wasn’t the least bit naughty.”

“Was Santa at the tea party?” he asked Trinity.

“No, but there was hundreds and hundreds of Christmas trees.”

His mom held up four fingers.

“We’re really going to have to work on your numbers,” Roan said.

“Where’s Jazzy?” his mother asked. “Her car is still in your driveway.”

“Jazzy’s here?” Trinity’s face lit up.

Gee thanks, Mom.Roan didn’t want to lie, but neither did he want them knowing Jazzy was still here. Deflection seemed the best choice. “It’s bath time, Doodlebug. C’mon, let’s get you in the tub.”

“Can Jazzy give me a bath?” Trinity asked.

“Nope. You’re stuck with dear old Dad.”

“Aww, man.” Trinity paused. “Can Jazzy read me a story after my bath?”

“No,” Roan said. Was his daughter already too attached to the pediatric nurse?Trinity’s not the only one.

It was true. His feelings for Jazzy were growing. He wanted her. Not just in his bed, but in his life after this cookie contest was over.

That was a problem. Jazzy was leaving town. She wouldn’t be around for long and he couldn’t just bring someone willy-nilly into Trinity’s life. He was a dad. He had responsibilities. He had to be extra careful.

For the sake of everyone involved.

Jazzy stood with her ear pressed against the guest room door, trying to eavesdrop on Roan’s conversation with his mother and daughter.

When she heard her name, she dithered. Should she go out and say hi, revealing she’d been hiding in the bedroom? Or lie low and wait until Roan let her know the coast was clear?

She cast a glance over her shoulder and considered a third option. Sneak out the bedroom window. She’d brought her purse with her when she’d fled back to the guest room. It would be easy enough.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance