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“Is that so?”

“We’ve learned much of the pleasure comes from anticipation.” He ran a knuckle over her cheek and she gave a full body shiver.

“No kidding?”

He pressed his mouth to the hollow of her throat and sucked lightly.

She threw back her head and ground her pelvis against him. He talked a good game about self-control, but honestly, he was losing it. Especially now that she tugged her sweater over her head and tossed it on the table across the room.

Her breath came in quick, shallow pants, her breasts rising and falling in a tight, hot rhythm.Her mussed hair sticking out from her head, and chin reddened with his stubble burn. He wished he’d shaved this morning.

His gaze roved her gorgeous body. Those full breasts, slender waist, and rounded hips. Her nipples beaded hard, thrusting upward through the thin fabric of her bra. Sexy as hell. Could he possibly keep up with her?

Teasing her, he kicked off his jeans and backed up, draping himself across the queen-sized bed and crooking a finger for her to join him, giving a come-hither stare.

She whisked off her own jeans, revealing the color of her thong panties matched her bra—crimson. Then with a sexy toss of her head, she moved over the foot of the bed toward him, but the comforter was satin, and she started to slide.

Roan grabbed for her.


Went sliding himself.

Laughing, they ended up on the floor with Jazzy in his lap. Roan wrapped his arms tightly around her.

Their gazes met and he felt lost in a sea of conflicting emotions.

This step felt far too soon in their budding relationship and at the same time, not nearly soon enough.

“Do you...” Jazzy gulped visibly. “...still want to do this?”

“More than ever.” He tightened his grip on her, letting her know any second thoughts were fleeting. “You?”

“This is just for fun, right?” An uncertain look settled over her features.

Was that what she wanted? Would he scare her off if he said no? He certainly scared himself.

“I want what you want,” he said, which was true, but it sounded like a cop-out in this nondescript spare bedroom.

“I just...” She reached out to trace his cheek with her finger. “Don’t want either of us to get hurt.”

“Ditto.” He smiled to let her see he was chill.

She moved her legs, straddling him. Then she leaned down and dipped her head to kiss him, the curtain of her beautiful blond hair falling against his face.

His body responded, hardening all over again as her lips captured his and she pushed him onto his back.

Her hands moved to his wrists, and she pinned his arms above his head. He let her, enjoying the shift as she deepened the kiss. If being in control helped her feel more comfortable, he was all for it.

Jazzy might seem sweet, but that wicked little tongue of hers took him prisoner and held him captive. He couldn’t get enough of kissing her.

Her scent filled his nose, also sweet, like strawberry cotton candy, but there was an earthiness to her as well. A rich umami flavor that tickled his senses. She stroked the roof of his mouth with her tongue, exploring.

Roan couldn’t stay passive. His body urged him to touch her, taste her, penetrate her. The yearning was powerful, overwhelming.

Their tandem breathing was ragged and shallow,filled with urgency and need. She pressed her thighs into his sides, her small knees nestled against his ribs. She took her lips away and he instantly felt cheated.

Giggling, she sat back, until her butt was on his lower abdomen. His erection straining through his boxer briefs, eager to have at her. Her hair swung across her shoulders. A hypnotic sight that held him spellbound.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance