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“And I was a pawn in their acrimonious divorce. They didn’t care about me. All they cared about was getting back at each other and I was their instrument of torture.”

“I’m sorry your parents weren’t there for you.”

“Is that what people from normal families do? Say nice and encouraging things to each other?”

“Normal is a setting on a dryer, Andi.”

“You really are a happy person, aren’t you. It’s not bullshit.”

“I try to stay positive, but I have my moments. I get down in the dumps like everyone else.”

“I’m sorry I said your positivity was toxic. It wasn’t you. I just said it because I couldn’t find anything else about you to bad-mouth.”

“No, you’re right. Sometimes I have trouble reading a room and I’m inappropriately optimistic.”

“There’re worse traits.” Andi snorted a laugh. “Far worse.”

“Like whacking your best friend in the nose with a mike stand because you’re way too competitive?”

Andi smiled. “Yeah. Like that.”

The lights from the town square went off.

“Turn out the lights, the party’s over,” Jazzy said, but neither one of them made a move to get up.

“Do you think we could ever be friends again?”

“I don’t know,” Jazzy answered honestly. “There’s a lot of stuff you do that doesn’t feel healthy to me.”

“Fair point.”

“But maybe we don’t have to be enemies anymore.”

They exhaled in unison.

“Did you take Danny back?” Andi said.

“He didn’t ask me to.”

“He still loves you.”

“He loves the idea of me, not the reality. But it doesn’t matter. I’m in love with someone else.”



“How’s that going?”

“I’m here with you, aren’t I.”

“That bad, huh?”

“It’s complicated.”

“So, simplify it. Tell the guy how you feel.”

“It’s not that easy.”

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance