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From the stands came cheering. The spectators offering words of encouragement. The camera crew walked around, filming the contestants as they awaited their fates.

Jazzy crossed her fingers and closed her eyes after the camera crew swept past her.Please, let me win this one. Please, just this once let me do something better than Andi Browning.

The judges put their heads together. Gestured at various plates of cookies. Compared notes.

“Pins and needles,” said a contestant next to Jazzy. “Pins and needles.”

“Good luck,” Jazzy whispered to the woman.

“You too.”

After what seemed like a hundred hours, Christine Noble passed an index card to Linda Godwin. Christine looked out across the campfire arena, caught Jazzy’s eye, and winked.

Oh heavens, did that mean she was a finalist? Heart thumping, she interlaced her fingers, knotted them into one big fist and pressed her thumb knuckles to her chest.

“The six contestants who will be moving on to tomorrow’s final round are...” Linda paused for dramatic effect. “Contestant number twelve, Sue DeBusk, for her creation, Raspberry-Dream Cookies.”

The woman beside Jazzy squealed and jumped up and down.

“Congratulations,” Jazzy told her and sincerely meant it.

Sue DeBusk blushed. “Thank you, thank you.”

Linda continued, listing three more contestants. More cheering from the friends and families of the semifinalists.

Only two names remained.

Would Jazzy be among them?

She sought Christine’s eyes again for confirmation that she still had a chance, but the baker was leaning over, whispering to another judge.

Andi’s name hadn’t been called either.

Jazzy hazarded a glance down the row of firepits to where Andi stood, head held high, looking absolutely confident her name would be called.

What if Andi didn’t win?

The feeling of schadenfreude that came over Jazzy brought a flush of heat to her cheeks and she heard her dad’s voice in her head.None of that, Little Missy.

“Our fifth finalist is a frequent winner of our local baking contests, contestant number twenty-two, Andi Browning!” the contest representative called out.

Andi actually curtsied to the judges.

Do not roll your eyes, Jasmine Walker. Be a good sport.

Yeah. That’s what she’d been her entire life, a good sport. Accepting readily when things didn’t go her way with as much grace as she could muster. Playing nice. Being kind. It was her essential nature, but sometimes, man, she just wanted to gloat.

She wouldn’t give in to her shadow side. She might have unflattering impulses, but she wouldn’t give in to them.

“And our last finalist...”

Enough with dragging it out. Please, put her out of her misery. Her heart was in her throat and her palms were sweaty.

Christine’s gaze locked on Jazzy, and her smile was as big as a half-moon.

“Contestant number thirteen, Jasmine Walker, for her Pecan Delights. Congratulations. This is Jazzy’s first time entering any culinary competition. Finalist on her first try is a huge accomplishment!” Linda tucked the microphone under one arm and put her hands together. “Let’s have a big round of applause for all our finalists.”

The audience broke out in enthusiastic applause.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance