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“So maybe I should save this recipe for the finals and find another to perfect for the elimination round.”

“Good idea,” he said and stole another cookie from the plate. “We can start work on that next.”

“I have the perfect name for these cookies,” she said.

“What’s that?”

“Chocolate-Gingermint Roanies.”

“Roanies?” He looked amused. “Why?”

“Because I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Chapter 22

Roan couldn’t stop watching Jazzy. She pirouetted around the kitchen on a baker’s high. He got it. He’d experienced the same pleasure whenever he nailed a recipe.

“Will you be all right if you don’t win?” he asked, worried because winning seemed to mean so much to her. While he thought she stood a good chance of victory, anything could happen in a competition and things could go south for even the most experienced baker.

“I’m going to win,” she said with certainty, eating her third Chocolate-Gingermint Roanie. He thought it was sweet of her to name the recipe for him. “These cookies are amazeballs.”

“You’re amazeballs.”

She blushed prettily and did another spin. “Mmm, mmm.”

“I’m serious though,” Roan said. “How much of a letdown will it be if the contest goes sideways?”

“Have a little faith in me, big man.” She tickled him under his chin.

Roan wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her silly, but he resisted. She was such a joy to be around, and he hated raining on her parade, but he needed an answer to his question.

“Is this where I confess my pettiness and say finally beating the pants off Andi atsomethingwould feed my ego.”

“You aren’t petty, Jazzy. Not in the least.” His gaze searched her face, aching for her to be honest and admit to him that if she won, she hoped she’d get Danny back. “But why is besting Andi so important?”

“Andi took everything from me, but most of all she took my pride. I’m trying to get it back.”

“And Danny?” he asked boldly, locking his eyes on hers.

She blinked but didn’t glance away. “I amnottrying to win Danny back.”

“You sure of that?”

“You said you’re just the rebound guy,” she countered, sounding defensive. “Why do you want to know?”

“Maybe I’m not satisfied just being the rebound guy,” he blurted before he even knew he was going to say it. “Maybe I want more.”

She sucked in her breath and her eyes widened. “Really?”

“After last night, I can’t get the idea out of my head, but if you’re still hung up on Danny, it’s a land mine where I don’t want to tread.”

She stepped closer to him, touching the tips of her socks patterned with snowflakes to his bare toes. “Roan Sullivan.”

“Jazzy Walker,” he said, matching her serious tone.

“I am withyoufor however long this relationship works for us. You’re the one I want to be with and no one else.” She paused and gave him a pointed stare. “Got it?”

He searched her face, trying to find clues that she was deluding herself, but she peered into his eyes, unflinching.

Tags: Lori Wilde Romance