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My dormmate, Sophie comes striding into our room and instantly gives me a scowl. I groan under my breath. I’ve absolutely loved moving away from home and having a bit of independence. The break from my over-the-top mother has been great, but you can’t have it all, and my dormmate is proof of that. I don’t know how I was so freaking unlucky to get stuck with this chick. She’s awful.

The girl steals my clothes and ruins them, she smokes in our room, only opening the window when I start dying of a coughing fit. Don’t get me wrong, I could always go out into the hall but that defeats the purpose. I shouldn’t have to evacuate my room so she can continue her nasty habits. Besides, all my clothes and sheets stink. It’s fucking gross. Did I mention she’s an absolute bitch and destroyed my favorite pair of Jimmy Choos? I mean, first world problems, but still. I don’t deserve that shit.

She has this group of friends who are just as rotten as her. They come into our room, use my shit, take my perfume, download fucking porn on my laptop. Like, where does this shit end?

I’ve had to report her three times in less than a month, officially making me that girl. I hate it. I’m never that girl. Usually, I’m the one having reports filed against me, but this is far beyond anything I was prepared for.

“What are you looking at?” she snaps as she pulls a packet of cigarettes from her bag.

I groan to myself and look back down at my recently porn free laptop. I mean, it’s certainly not porn free. I’m no prude and after being single for so long, I’m no stranger to it, but it’s my porn, not someone else’s.

My mind instantly takes me back to the plan I’ve been putting together over the last few nights. It has a little something to do with leading on that I could possibly be a psycho killer escaped from a mental institute and she has just rubbed me the wrong way. I was going to start with a few fake news articles that she’ll find under my bed when she no doubt goes searching through my things. I could have a few ‘missing’ items of previous ‘victims’ and maybe even a diary of all my darkest thoughts where my dormmate is concerned. I’d scare her out, but she also gives me a vibe that suggests scaring her out isn’t going to be easy.

Sophie dumps her things on the floor, not giving a shit that the second I get up from my bed, I’ll end up tripping over them. She throws her closet doors open and starts pulling shit off hangers until she finds a hideous red shirt with holes in it. Not the intentional kind of holes that are there as a fashion statement either, they’re the kind of holes that come from old age, overuse, and cigarette burns.

She strips off her old worn shirt and tosses it over her shoulder, letting it fall on the end of my bed. She steals my deodorant off the table and douses herself in it. “What do you think you’re doing?” I snap, kicking her dirty shirt off my bed.

Sophie just grunts before picking up her bag and strutting right back out of the room, leaving my blood boiling.

I slowly count backward from ten while taking long, deep breaths. I can’t stand this chick. I’d do anything to change rooms or switch with someone, but apparently, there are no spare rooms and everyone I’ve talked to hates her just as much.

Lucky me.

My phone chimes and I thank my lucky stars for the distraction. I pick up my phone from beside me on my bed and grin at my best friend’s name across my screen.

Tora – If you had to live in one, which would you pick?

My brows furrow as I read over her text. What the hell is she talking about? Not two seconds after that thought, three links come through and I click each of them to find gorgeous homes, all three with a big ‘For Sale’ sign out in the front yard.

What the actual fuck? Is she already looking for homes for her and Nate? I mean, I love them both but isn’t it a little too soon for that shit?

I call her straight away. “What the hell are you going on about?” I demand with a grunt, letting my mind run wild. Though I shouldn’t be getting excited, knowing Tora, there could be a million different reasons why she’d be asking such a weird question. Hell, maybe it’s something for Jesse that they’re wanting to surprise him with. A place he can trash for parties so he stops having them at his family house. After all, he’s the king of Broken Hill High now and wild rager is his middle name.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance