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Nate looks as though he’s about to be sick. “Fuck no, Brooke. Don’t tell me you fingered his asshole? I’ve got way too much respect for you.”

“Shit, shit, shit,” Tora groans, slamming her hands over her face. “I have a mental image Make it go away. Make it go away.”

“No,” I squeal. “My fingers went nowhere near his asshole, but it doesn’t’ change the fact that he asked….and I don’t know.”

“Dude,” Nate chuckles, filling his coffee mug with boiling water. “That’s a red flag.”

“No…I don’t think so,” I tell them as Tora shakes her head. “He saw the look on my face and then said it was just a joke, but you know, I could tell it wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’m more than happy to get a little freaky between the sheets, but my fingers ain’t ever going in anyone’s ass. My point is, apart from that…it was kind of incredible. I mean, surely if he was batting for the other team, he wouldn’t be able to get me off like that.”

Nate just shakes his head. “I don’t know what to tell you, Brooke, but I’d be searching under his bed.”

I roll my eyes as I look back at Tora. “Don’t listen to him,” she tells me. “I’ve met the guy. He’s definitely straight. Maybe he’s one of those guys who just like to be a little…violated in the bedroom.”

“Okay, this conversation has to stop,” I tell her.

“I agree, talking about this dude’s ass is making my coffee taste weird, besides,” Nate says, leaning forward onto the counter and nuzzling his face into Tora’s neck. “I’d rather talk about your ass.”

Tora grins, tilting her head to give Nate more access and just like that, I’m out. I know exactly where this is going and I don’t want to be anywhere near here when it does.

Chapter 6


“How’s Ryan doing?” Nate asks from under the hood of the old Jaguar that he’s been busily restoring, knowing that once this thing is done, it’s going to be pulling in all sorts of cash.

“Not great, man,” I tell him, grabbing a wrench and passing it down to him as I recall the conversation I had with Aunt Serena last night. “The doctor isn’t thrilled with his progress. It doesn’t look like he’ll regain use of his legs.”

“Fuck,” Nate grumbles. “Listen, if there’s anything he needs…”

Nate lets his words fall flat as we both know that he’ll do just about anything to help Ryan out, but the question is what? If I knew how to help him, I’d be doing it, and I think Nate realizes that.

How do you help someone who’s life has just been turned upside down? I’m sitting with him every chance I get and doing my best to keep his spirits up, but what’s left for me to do? I can’t exactly get his legs working again which I don’t doubt is the one and only thing he wants.

“Thanks,” I grumble, listening to the sound of Courtney and Kaylah fucking around in Nate’s shop while Puck and Jesse sit back, watching their girls as though the sun shines out of their asses. What am I saying? I sound like a fucking jealous prick. If Brooke was here, I bet I’d be doing the same fucking thing.

Tyson leans back against Nate’s massive toolbox that’s nearly as tall as the fucking ceiling and spans the length of two work stations. “Have you guys heard from Brylee lately?” he grumbles, looking away and trying to appear like he couldn’t care less when we all know he’s been getting with her every chance he gets.

Puck looks over at us. “Court said something about her coming home for a wedding or some shit like that. Why?” he grins. “You missing her”

“Fuck off,” Tyson grunts. “Just haven’t seen her for a while.”

Nate rolls his eyes while keeping focused on what he’s doing. “Dude, if you fucking like her, just ask her out.”

“Nah, man. It’s not like that.”

“Mmhmm,” I grumble under my breath while Jesse does exactly the same thing.

Tyson instantly jumps on the defense. “Nah, for real. We’re just friends. Besides, she’s over there at Yale, probably fucking around with all those Ivy league dudes with cardigans, loafers, and comb-overs.”

Jesse gets up and looks at his best friend with a smirk playing on his lips. “You sound jealous.”

A screwdriver goes flying and Jesse only just manages to duck out of the way before losing an eye. “Fuck off, man. I’m not jealous, and besides, there’s nothing to be jealous of. This is Brylee we’re talking about. She’s not exactly my type, you know what I’m saying.”

Courtney snorts from across the shop. “You mean, she’s not the kind to willingly drop to her knees and start sucking your dick until she chokes?”

Tyson spreads his arms out wide with pride, grinning across at Courtney. “Thank you,” he beams. “You see, someone gets it.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance