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I open the text quicker than I’ve ever opened a damn thing before regretting it. She’s probably about to tell me off for coming around today and lay down the law that it’s not to happen again. Hell, I wouldn’t even be surprised if it was a picture of her and Lukas getting down just so she can enjoy twisting the knife in my back.

I find my fucking balls and get it over with. Sitting here and avoiding the screen of my phone is not getting me anywhere.

Brooke – I didn’t get a chance to say thanks for today. I know I don’t have a great way of showing it, but I appreciate all your help. Though if you ever try and cover me in water like that again, you’re fucking dead!!!

Well, fuck me. I was expecting a lot of things, but it certainly wasn’t that.

Maybe I’ve got a shot after all.

Chapter 5


“Wish me luck,” I beam, looking myself over in the mirror once again before grabbing my purse off the kitchen counter.

“You don’t need luck,” Tora says, keeping her head stuffed deep inside her textbook. “You’re Brooke Fucking Logan. You’ve got this.”

I grin. “Damn straight, I do.”

I make my way over to the front door and open it to find Lukas staring back at me with excitement in his eyes. “Fuck,” he says, looking up and down as he sucks in a breath. “You look incredible.”

Butterflies surface in my stomach and I try my best to shake them off. I’m not that girl who gets effected by butterflies so this shit is all new, despite what I’d told Tora the other day. Though, the last time I had butterflies was with Ma-

Damn it! There I go thinking about that rat bastard again. How can I not get through a day without having him on my mind? This is insane. It’s been nearly a year. I should be stronger than that. Though, what’s more insane is that I have a sexy as hell football player standing on my front doorstep and I haven’t said a goddamn word yet.

“Thank you,” I tell him, shaking off the thoughts of my douchebag ex. “The same could be said for yourself.”

Lukas grins. “Are you ready to go?”

“Uh-huh,” I say as he offers me his arm. I take it greedily, loving the feel of his strong forearm as he helps me out to his car like a perfect gentleman.

He opens the door and ushers me in, making me feel all giddy inside. This guy certainly has some potential. We’ve been on a few dates so far and maybe tonight’s the night where I invite him in and find out if we really are compatible. Don’t get me wrong, sex isn’t everything when it comes to a relationship, but to me, it’s a big fucking factor.

Lukas chats away in the car and even has the decency to reach over and take my hand in his. He rubs this thumb back and forth over my skin and for the first time in a long time, my body covers in tingles from head to toe.

Something that feels this good couldn’t be wrong, right?

He asks me about my family, my classes, and my interests as though those interests are now his own. He asks about my friends and naturally I can’t help but tell him all about my friendship with Tora. They’ve met super briefly, but I can’t wait to introduce them properly. I’m sure she’s going to love him, just as I’m hoping to one day.

Once I’m finished telling him all about our new place, I turn the attention on him. Lukas is a great football player and he’s hoping for so much more in the coming years. It turns out he lives with a group of guys who are also on the football team, Jackson being one of those guys, meaning at some point, he’s probably already met Elle and Jesse.

I’m pretty sure Jackson and Jesse have fallen in love. Give it a few more weeks and we’ll be hearing about how they both dumped their girls and ran away together to make the most handsome babies in the world. This bromance started after they were forced together on a project at the end of senior year and they haven’t looked back since. It’s still strange getting used to after they spent years hating on each other, but I’m not going to lie, it’s certainly made life a lot easier.

Lukas pulls up at the restaurant and I realize that I’ve been telling him about Jackson and Jesse as though he should care, but when I meet his eyes, I realize that I have his undivided attention and I melt. How is it that he has the power to do that?

We get out of his car and I meet Lukas around the front. He grins as though he couldn’t be more excited about our date and instantly takes my hand before leading me toward the restaurant.

Tags: Sheridan Anne Broken Hill Boys Romance