Page 7 of Debt of Loyalty

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I’d even heard the son of a bitch talking about grooming me with one of the girls who’d supplied food. Was Viper just a part of some dirty game? I continued wiggling until he was forced to shove his leg around mine, pinning me so tightly against his legs that his shaft throbbed against my skin. The spanking continued and the worst part was that after a few minutes, I was completely turned on, my body betraying me.

I was wet, my nipples aching, every muscle tense. Even my mouth was watering with ridiculous, sinful thoughts, a hunger like I’d never known crushing all sense of rationality. Panting, stars floated in front of my eyes from both the intolerable pain as well as the sense of humiliation. All the pilot had to do was take a single glance behind him to see my naked bottom on display.

How could Viper do this to me? Because he was a true asshole. The fact he knew so much about me continued to drive my mind to a dark place. I’d read enough books, seen enough movies and newscasts to know that as soon as an individual appeared on the internet, their footprint would be there forever. But being spot on about my favorite color? That had to be a guess.

Viper brought his hand down with enough force I couldn’t stop from moaning. Pain turned into anguish tearing through me, yet my pussy was wet enough I’d likely left a stain on his cargo pants. Every time I wiggled just a little, the friction was enough I was almost pitched into a mind-blowing orgasm.

Even over the roaring sound, I could hear his rapid breathing and the second he stopped the round of discipline, taking time to caress my heated and aching bottom, I was driven straight to the unthinkable. I wanted to beg him to touch me, to relieve the building pressure.

He said nothing as his finger came dangerously close to my pussy lips, enough so I realized only too late I’d bucked against him. When I couldn’t hold back a moan, I was mortified that this man had been able to get to me. The bastard said nothing as he brushed the rough pad of a single finger back and forth across the tender section of my inner thigh.

My eyes remained closed, naughty visions in vibrant colors keeping me electrified.

“Are you going to be a good girl?” he growled.

“I am a good girl.”

He laughed then resumed the spanking, moving his hand swiftly from one side to the other. I couldn’t believe the discomfort could feel any worse, but as the scent of my desire wafted between us, the slice of embarrassment turned into a full-blown wave. Heat exploded across my neck and cheeks, a lump forming in my throat. I didn’t care who this man was or if he managed to bring me home, I would report his behavior to the highest officials.

“We’ll see about that. Four more.”

He doled them out slowly, every crack of his hand harder than the one before. By the time he was finished, I was ready to claw out his eyes. The man took his sweet time tugging my panties back into place, finally lowered the ugly dress I’d been told to wear.

I jumped off his lap quickly, tumbling to the hard metal surface of the helicopter’s floor.

After a few seconds, he pointed to one of the other seats, giving me a stern look when I didn’t respond right away.

“Put your seatbelt on in case our landing is difficult.”

The deep baritone of his voice continued to send shivers into every muscle and cell. It was obvious he was used to getting what he wanted, but he also had the social graces of a monkey. I did as he requested, settling myself in the seat and refusing to wince from the ache in my buttocks. After buckling the seatbelt, I shifted my attention out the window. The pilot was flying just above the trees. Was the man unafraid of crashing?

Viper seemed to notice my gaze, taking a deep breath. “He’s staying under the radar.”

“Of the man you rescued me from?” I gave him a sideways look, dropping my gaze when all he did was nod. “Who are you? What’s the name of the organization you work for?” His single quick glance toward the pilot gave me an indication he had no intentions of talking about specifics in front of the man.

The pilot had been hired to do a job and nothing else. Where was Viper’s backup? I certainly had no understanding of military or government actions, but his behavior screamed of very diligent training, yet neither his attire nor anything else about him allowed for a clear indication of a branch of the military he was with.

We sat in silence for at least an hour, maybe more, additional morning light filtering in through the windows. That allowed me to take an even better look at my savior. Even though his clothes were dark, his shirt was soaked with blood. From soldiers. From a predatory beast. His face was covered in muck and dried blood as well, but it wasn’t able to hide the scar leading from just underneath his right eye down his sculpted cheek. It added to his character and sexiness, which continued to be a ridiculous thought.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“A safe destination.”

Of course he wasn’t going to tell me.

“Ten minutes until the destination,” the pilot yelled from the front.

Viper made no acknowledgement to the man, but he did yank his weapon back into his hand, pulling additional ammunition from a pocket, his eyes never leaving me as he reloaded the gun. I shivered once again from the action he was taking, looking away as my stomach continued to ache.

I peered down at my bruised and swollen feet, never realizing how many scratches I’d gotten. As I stared at the wrap, flexing my hand, the pain was more intense. Without looking in Viper’s direction, I unwrapped the makeshift bandage, peering at the wound. The scrapes were deep, at least one gouge likely to become infected.

“We’ll take care of that when we arrive at our destiny.”

At least his tone was softer than before, although what little I knew about the man indicated he could flip a switch, becoming a killer instantly. I took a deep breath, holding it as the sound of the engine changed.

Immediately, Viper tensed, moving toward the pilot and speaking Spanish. While I’d had three years of the language in high school, and had tried to practice while in veterinary school, I couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

I huddled in the seat, trying to remember everything the King had told me over the last few days. While I wasn’t certain it would come in handy, I’d been taken for a significant reason, and I was determined to find out what that was. The helicopter continued to fly lower, the terrain entirely different than the jungle. I was shocked seeing skyscrapers and mountains in the distance. In trying to figure out where I’d been taken, nothing had given me a clue other than the accents.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance