Page 4 of Debt of Loyalty

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Pop! Pop! Pop!

I bit back a scream, scrambling backwards, the realization soldiers were coming from behind adding to the terror. I’d almost been eaten by a jaguar, bitten by two snakes and God knows how many spiders and other creatures I’d heard crawling through the horrible jungle. Gasping, I hunkered down, fighting the fear as Viper fired several shots, finally tumbling to the ground and rolling, taking me with him. The flashlight was ripped from my hand, smashing against the ground, pitching us into darkness.

After throwing himself over me, Viper kept firing. The sound of hard thuds and groans seemed to be coming from everywhere. Who the hell was this man? I continued shivering, trying to catch my breath as the bullets continued to fly. I’d yet to figure out why I’d been taken from everything I loved, my world turned upside down.

I was a good girl, about to graduate from veterinary school, several jobs already waiting for me. I’d always followed all the rules, never stepping outside my bounds. Well, with few exceptions. My entire life had been ahead of me until a dark, stormy afternoon when everything had changed.

“Do not move, sweetheart. Not a single inch. I’ll be right back,” Viper commanded.

When the weight of his body was lifted, I said a silent prayer, praying my savior would return. Savior. Maybe I’d taken the word too lightly.

Pop! Pop!

Additional gunfire pushed a moan from my throat. The darkness was overwhelming, the sensation that insects were crawling all over me shoved into parts of my brain. I shifted backwards, hitting a tree. As I pulled my knees against my chest, I rocked back and forth. Dear God. Why had this happened to me?


It was obvious that my captivity had shifted my mind into a place where all rationality had ceased. Why the hell had I gone with this man, a mystery invader in the middle of the night? So what if he’d identified himself as being sent by the US? That meant shit right now. I’d been told so many terrible lies since I’d been captured that my mind was spinning.

Maybe Viper, or whatever his real name was, could be the only way I’d have a chance of escaping. The fact he’d appeared in the bathroom only moments before I’d planned on attempting escape myself was far too… convenient. Coincidental? I didn’t buy that for a second. The man who’d called himself the King enjoyed playing games, treating me like a queen one minute then a child the next, keeping me locked away for days at a time, only bread and water as any kind of substance.

I was sick inside, my heart thudding, my head aching to the point it was throbbing. The moment I’d seen Viper’s face in the mirror, I’d been paralyzed. The crazy thing about his sudden appearance was that I’d been instantly drawn to him, my body reacting as if the man was a long-lost lover, not some crazed maniac sent to kill me or worse. I couldn’t understand why a burst of yearning had flowed through me like a rush of adrenaline, inflamed and in need.

Even his musky scent was enough to keep my senses tingling. It was likely I was dehydrated and the lack of sleep had finally shifted me close to a state of delirium. That was the only reason I’d find the bastard attractive.

Other than his dark eyes the color of rich, deep chocolate.

Or his curly midnight black hair framing a strong jaw and high cheekbones.

Or his muscular physique, the tattoo on his arm a clear indication the man was dangerous.

What was wrong with me?

Suddenly, the only sounds I heard were chirps and rustles coming from creatures. I lifted my head, daring to believe I’d make it out of the jungle alive.

Within seconds, I felt rough hands on my skin. Unable to keep from whimpering audibly, the moment fingers were pressed against my lips, I sucked in my breath, my natural instinct to get away taking over. I fought him, struggling with everything I had. He was too strong for me, managing to grab my wrists and pull me against him. “Leave me alone. Please. Just…”

“We’re okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you. You’re safe for now. Just keep your voice down. Okay?”

Viper’s voice was soothing, his tone rich and dark, evoking another wave of filthy thoughts in my mind. I clung to him, unable to say anything as he gathered me into his arms, pulling me to a standing position. “Don’t call me sweetheart,” I muttered, although I wasn’t certain why.

He laughed then encouraged me forward, wrapping his arm around my waist. My leg ached, although I wasn’t certain why. As I struggled to keep walking, every step I took initiated a sharp, agonizing moan.

“You’re going to need to trust me, Willow. We’re close to getting the hell out of here,” he said so calmly I was surprised. He’d just killed several men and he acted as if it was no big deal.

“Why is this happening?” All I’d done was try to figure out why me. Maybe I was just feeling sorry for myself. Nothing seemed real any longer, including the hulking mass of a man who’d rescued me. Could I trust him? I had no idea, but the alternatives were even more terrifying.

“I wish I had more answers for you.”

Exhaustion ripped through me, my calves spasming, I would have stumbled if he didn’t have his arm around me. “I don’t know if I can make it.”

“Yeah, you can, and you will. The other choices aren’t appetizing.” Without any hesitation, he lifted me from my feet, tossing me over his shoulder. Another light popped on, although dimmer than the one from before. As I was carried like a sack of potatoes, all I could think about was how my life had gone wrong.

Yet there were no answers I could think of.

I had no idea how long he carried me through the jungle, his long strides all I could concentrate on. When he finally reached a clearing, he eased me to my feet, gripping both arms. There was a thin light breaching the horizon, enough to allow me to see his face in silhouette.

The hard beating of my heart echoed in my ears, my ragged breathing leaving me panting. When he brushed his thumb across my cheek, the movement was so unexpected, I stiffened.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance