Page 20 of Debt of Loyalty

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I shoved several magazines into my pockets, checking the handgun before pushing it into the holster that would be under my jacket. Then I armed the AK-47 before shoving it into the duffle bag. The last thing I wanted to do was draw any attention to the fact I was carrying a single weapon, let alone several.

“Did you get any sleep?”

Her voice was different than the night before. She’d made dinner, cobbling together the food I’d purchased into a freaking gourmet meal. Yet as we’d shared food, she’d said little, asking even less. I was shocked she hadn’t peppered me with questions. Perhaps she was content, but I had a feeling given her personality that would change soon enough. She had no idea where we were ultimately going. That would test her mettle. I was a sick man because I couldn’t wait to see how she reacted.

“I grabbed a couple hours. That’s all I need. Are you packed, ready to go?” I asked, uncertain what the fuck to say to her.

She swallowed as she came closer. “Yes. What’s happening?”

“When I hear two knocks then three on that door, you’re going to go into the hallway. You’ll know if everything is fine.”

“And what if it isn’t?”

I snapped the holster, grabbing my jacket as I stared at her. “Then we’re dead.”

Her nerves reappeared, her lower lip quivering. She retreated, leaving the room after saying nothing else. When she returned, she had her jacket ready.

“There’s a scarf I brought with me. You’re going to wear it around your head. You can’t be recognized. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I’ll make certain I keep it around me.” As she dropped to the floor, I thought about how fucking beautiful she really was. Almost immediately my cock twitched, but I shifted away from my carnal needs, becoming the trained soldier. After taking a deep breath, I glanced out the window. A man was approaching. I’d called a taxi, which in a normal situation should be fine. However, it was risky as fuck to trust anyone. Still, at this point, it was better than being out in the open.

When the two knocks came, I snapped my head in her direction, nodding toward the bedroom. She said nothing as she moved into the shadows. I took a deep breath, waiting until the three knocks occurred. Then I opened the door a crack. “Si?”

“Usted pidio un coche?” You called for a car?he asked as he peered up at me.

I nodded as I glanced down the length of him. With what he was wearing, there was no way for him to be carrying a weapon. “Un momento.” One moment. I closed the door and without saying another word, she appeared, still nervous but ready to go. She grabbed her bags and I snatched mine, beckoning her toward the door. Then I whispered in her ear, “You will stay behind me and whatever you do, don’t make eye contact with anyone.”


I opened the door, scanning the street before stepping out. Then I nodded to the man again. He led us down the street further than I’d hoped, but I didn’t sense any danger. As he opened his trunk, I tossed everything but the weapons bag inside, slamming the door. Then I opened the back door, ushering her inside. Without asking the driver, I headed for the passenger seat. I needed the best vantage point possible.

He glared at me but said nothing, although he cursed under his breath as he climbed in. “A donde?” Where to?

I gave him an address that was next to the airfield where the damn pilot had better be waiting. He looked at me strangely, given the location was little more than a slum, then started driving. I wasn’t going to be able to take a deep breath until we were on the fucking plane.

To Willow’s credit, she said nothing, leaning against the seat and not bothering to look outside. Meanwhile, I continuously scanned without causing the driver alarm. If he so much as veered off course, I’d be forced to handle the situation in an unpleasant manner.

As the driver moved through the streets, I remained on edge, refusing to let my guard down. There was enough activity in the city even as the sun was just beginning to make its way over the horizon that it was difficult to pay attention to everything around me. The driver looked over once then I noticed he glanced into the rearview mirror.

That bothered me.

When he did it a second time barely two minutes later, I shifted my jacket, unfastening my holster without him noticing.

“Cuanto tiempo mas?” How much further? I asked the question without glancing in his direction, still concentrating on the streets in front of us.

“Viente minutos, señor,” he said.

Twenty minutes.

I knew the fucking route like the back of my hand, having studied the layout of the city and all the roads leading in and out. When he took a left turn, I bristled. While there was a chance he was taking a shortcut, as soon as he drove around a corner, I knew the fucker had set us up. I yanked out my weapon, pressing the barrel against his temple. “Llevanos a nuestro destino o muere.” Get us to our destination or you die.

His actions were quick, yanking the car to a stop and ripping open the handle. While I had both the reflexes and the ability to drop him cold, that would cause instant panic, sending dozens of innocent bystanders into harm’s way.

“What is going on?” Willow asked, clinging to the seat in front of her.

“Stay down and I mean down. Get on the floor if possible.” There was no time to waste. As soon as I threw open the door, jumping out, I was able to see at least four soldiers headed in our direction. A fucking ambush. When I climbed into the driver’s seat, I heard her gasps. “This is going to be a difficult few minutes, sweetheart. Stay where you are.”

I threw the car into reverse, slamming my foot on the accelerator as I threw my head over my shoulder, doing my best to keep from running over several people who were crossing the street. I slammed my hand on the horn, able to cause enough commotion that people started to scatter. But the fucking soldiers kept coming.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance