Page 1 of Debt of Loyalty

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“You are such a good boy, Buddy.” I rubbed the Golden’s head, thankful he was going to be alright.

“You’re amazing, Dr. Cavanaugh.”

I wasn’t going to correct a woman in tears, her husband doing everything he could to console her. Two more weeks then I could officially add Doctor of Veterinary Science. Until then, I was a supervised intern. I couldn’t wait, the years spent in college the best of my life. However, I was ready to move on. Caring for animals was all I’d ever wanted to do. “Remember, one pill every morning with food.”

“Absolutely,” the husband told me.

Leaning down, I kissed Buddy on the muzzle, taking a deep breath of his scent before heading into the backroom. As I slunk against the wall, the owner of the clinic pressed her hand on my arm. “You did great, Willow. You are a natural, just like I told you the first day you applied for a job as a tech.”

“Thank you, Dr. Abbot.” I offered a weary smile. I’d spent the last twenty-four hours with Buddy, making certain he had enough fluids, trying to convince the ninety-pound dog to eat something. Anything. Lyme disease was a bitch.

“For the love of God, call me Melissa. After all these years, I consider you a friend. Go take a break. Please. I don’t want to be turned into the authorities for abusing my employees.” Her laugh forced a wider smile.

She was right. I was exhausted. Maybe a cup of coffee the size of a canteen would help. I still had four hours to go. “I think I’ll do that.” I grabbed my purse, heading toward the back door. Thank God there was a Starbucks within walking distance.

As soon as I walked out, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. Great. A storm was approaching, and I hadn’t thought about bringing an umbrella with me. God, I hated storms.

I headed toward the coffee shop, squinting as I glanced up at the sky. Even with the ominous clouds, the horizon was bright from the flashes of electric color. As soon as I crossed the street, the rain started to fall. Half laughing, I raced on until the screech of tires drew my attention. I turned sharply, realizing a large SUV was careening in my direction.

My reactions were quick, slamming against the brick exterior of the building in an effort to avoid the oncoming out of control vehicle.

When it jerked to a stop, one tire jumping the curb, everything shifted into slow motion. Three men jumped from the SUV, heading in my direction. The second I let off a scream, a massive hand was smacked across my mouth, my body jerked forward.

Then I felt a prick. No. No. What was happening? I struggled, doing everything I could to cause a commotion, but it was…


Colombia, South America


“Psst. Asshole.”

When the hulking soldier turned around, I threw a hard punch, knocking him to the ground. Then I yanked my weapon into my hand, popping off a single shot, the silencer muffling any noise.

That felt good after the week I’d spent in hell. I was in a surly mood and wanted to take it out on someone.

When I heard a rustle, I reacted, lunging toward it instead of lifting my weapon. The two assholes attempting to jump me had no clue that I fed off violence, enjoying the cracking sound as I kicked one in the jaw, turning around immediately and throwing two hard punches, likely breaking the guy’s teeth. So what? After I was finished, he’d likely be slithering his way to dinner. Fucking snake.

I fired off four rounds then forced myself to head deeper into the bank of trees. So far, I’d taken out ten of the bastards. That was just the beginning. From here on out, I’d go by the book as I headed to rescue the mark.

Threat assessment Redline. No additional information. Hunt and acquire at will.

Hunt and acquire. It was a code for locate the mark, doing everything it took to bring her to safety. The text also meant there was no backup. I’d gone into missions alone only twice in my life, both successful but not without a significant loss of life. Fortunately, the people I’d been assigned to locate had remained alive, but I wasn’t certain that was possible in this case. After all, I was entirely on my own, not a single soldier assigned under my detail.

That was the way of Eagle Force, a clandestine organization of the government, the division completely off the grid. I’d signed up of my own volition, but not until after being tracked down like some criminal, forced into arduous meetings with people I couldn’t give a shit about any longer. I would consider myself a mercenary, only my mission was to protect at all costs.

At least that fueled my bloodlust.

I shifted through the jungle, listening for any sounds of additional enemy activity. I’d been in the sector for three days, laying out a course of action while assessing the threat level. I’d have one shot at accomplishing the necessary acquisition. That was, if I didn’t get myself killed in the process. I was highly skilled, the best marksman in the business, several medals of honor providing an indication to the rest of the world about my qualifications, even if they’d come at a significant price. I also had been called crazy more than once. Maybe that’s why I’d been targeted for the job.

Medals meant nothing to me. It was the thrill of the chase, exacting the ultimate revenge. Today would either spell victory or total demise, but I was up for the challenge.

I was smack in the middle of territory owned by a man called the King. Deangelo Castillo considered himself a highly respected businessman who’d parlayed his acute sense of business acumen into a powerful, wealthy kingdom. The truth was entirely different. He was nothing more than a brutal dictator, using violence and torture as his preferred method of influencing people, including dozens of moguls and politicians inside the United States. His empire consisted of various Fortune 100 companies, movie studios, and pharmaceutical companies.

According to many, he was untouchable.

Tags: Piper Stone Romance