Page 16 of Haunting Chaos

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I still didn’t want to talk about it.

“C’mon. Keeping shit bottled up ain’t helpin’ you.”

Yeah, true. “I kissed Skyla,” I finally admitted.

A chuckle escaped his lips. “That’s it? You fucking kiss a girl, and you’re that goddamn guilty? She’s a cut slut, bro.”

I didn’t like the derogatory image that implied. Not with Skyla. “She’s Zara’s caretaker. Don’t say shit like that about her.”

Why the fuck was I defending Skyla?

“Don’t mean no offense, just callin’ it like it is.” Bodie’s hands lifted, and he flashed a big, stupid grin. “You like her.”

“She’s sweet, and Zara adores her.”

“And that kiss? Must have been somethin’ special to tie you up in knots like this.”

That kiss fucking haunted me every minute of the day, snaring my attention away from the shit I needed to focus on. I couldn’t stop thinking about the softness of Skyla’s lips, the mutual hunger she didn’t hide, or even the way her curves fit perfectly in my hands.

I didn’t want another woman. Not one to fuck. And especially not a new ol’ lady.Fuck that.

“Fuck off with that shit.” I finally replied, striding back to my bike.

“Listen, I get it. If somethin’ happened to Sasha, I’d be fucking up the whole world with my Reaper. She’s Maverick’s mother. As precious to me as Cindi was to you. I feel you, cousin.”

He moved closer, gripping my shoulder. “I’m here for you. I swear it. You want to fuck shit up? Let’s roll out. You want to fuck all the pussy in the Crossroads? Go ahead; I got your back. You need to kick some ass? I’m right by your side.”

Nodding, I appreciated his loyalty.

“Only one thing I ain’t doin’, brother.”

Shit. I bet I could figure it out.

“Not gonna watch you give up, slowly fade away, or push away happiness because you don’t think you deserve it. You hear me?”

He shook my shoulder until I lifted my head, staring into the pained expression on his face.

“You’re my blood. It won’t go down like that, and I suspect you’d do the same for me.”

I would. No hesitation.

“So stop all this fucking shit. No more torturing yourself for things you can’t change. Aight?”

Yeah, okay. I got his point. There was just one problem.

“What if I can’t let Cindi go?” I asked, swallowing back the pain that never faded, even after five months. “What if she haunts me forever?”

He pulled me in, slapping my back hard. “One day at a time. When it gets too much, talk to me. We’ll figure it the fuck out.”

Releasing a sigh, all I could do was bob my head in agreement. My brain said time would heal all wounds. My heart didn’t believe a fucking word of it.


I purposely waited until Zara’s dinner time to show up, not wanting to indulge Skyla in a bunch of useless, annoying conversation. My little girl would eat, get her bath, and I’d put her to bed. Then leave as quickly as possible to avoid any extra time with Skyla.

Chin lifting, I offered a greeting as I entered, chuckling at Zara’s stained face. Spaghetti was her favorite meal, and she never failed to get messy. She smeared sauce on her face, hands, and bib. As I leaned down, she reached out, grabbing at me with dirty fingers.

“Hold on, baby girl. You finish eating first.”

Tags: Nikki Landis Dark