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The other band members didn’t bother hiding their happiness. After all, this was their big opportunity, and I couldn’t understand the wannabe musicians who acted like a possible record deal wasn’t the best thing that happened in their career thus far.

“We’ll be there!” The other twin, Chase, exclaimed. “Man, this is amazing! Thank you.” He squeezed Ethan’s hand, then patted his back. “And to think I wanted to shove a boot down your throat for taking my sister out! You have my blessing!”

Nice.I wouldn’t expect Nick to trade Nadia for anything, but it looked like not every brother had principles.

And Ethan… the little sneaky bastard. It was lucky that the band was good, and it no longer mattered whether he was getting laid in exchange for giving us their demo.

“Good. We’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t be late and make sure you’ve got a few songs ready. I don’t want love ballads. Give me something with a soul.”

Nick gave them his card and shook their hands before we headed back to the stuffy bar. The place emptied. Less than half of the people remained, but it didn’t stop another performer from taking the stage. A girl stood in front of a microphone, wearing a modest, sky-blue dress. She looked about eighteen and held an acoustic guitar close to her chest with dark blonde hair parted in the middle. Her voice was soft and melodic, but she was too shy for the business. We would turn her into a monster within months. I refused to strip delicate girls of their innocence at such a young age.

“She’s gone.” Scorpio nudged me, pointing toward the bar.

Right. My date.

“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes; don’t leave without me.”

He nodded, concealing the disgusted frown with a crooked smile. I might have overestimated the time I needed to finish, considering the two-month celibacy. The barmaid was in for a huge disappointment.

She waited out the back, resting her curvy ass on a pink Fiat parked between two black SUV’s. She put her phone away when she saw me approach, and smiled, toying with a lock of blonde hair. The temperature outside oscillated around twelve degrees Celsius, but it didn’t stop Pamela from wearing a short skirt and a low-cut top, which struggled to contain her boobs.

“You’re late,” she chirped. “I should’ve left five minutes ago.”

I strolled across the car park, not in a rush. She was good looking, but desire failed to arrive. There was nothing, really. Not even the primitive need to fuck. Most men were filled with that on daily basis, but not me. Not since…


“And yet, you’re here. What does that tell you?”

Pamela pushed her chest out more. “That I’m bored?”

That you’re easy.

“Don’t count on me to entertain you. Ten minutes, sweetheart. That’s all you’re getting.”

“Short-distance runner?” she chuckled, pushing away from the car to rest her double c’s against my chest. “I think you can do better.”

“I run marathons when it matters.”

When Nadia was concerned, I outperformed myself on every corner. My needs didn’t matter. It was her I wanted to please. To see her eyes trained on me, lips parted in ecstasy when she came thanks to my efforts. There was nothing more energising. Nothing could top the euphoria filling my chest when Nadia moaned in my ear, struggling to catch a breath while she trembled under the influence of a powerful orgasm.

Pamela drew her bottom lip between her teeth, eyeing me up and down with a cheeky smile.

“You want to go to my place? My car might be a bit too small…”

I closed her lips with a kiss to shut her up. She stuck her tongue in my mouth as if she were looking for something to eat in there. She moaned, caressing my face with one hand, while the other travelled to my zipper.

How fucked up was it that the only reason her hand didn’t come across a limp dick was because I imagined Nadia naked?

Pamela smiled, working with the stiff length, and her kisses turned wetter, greedier and a little off-putting, but all in all it was going fine.

Right until it didn’t.

She bit my lower lip, and my head turned into a TV. Someone was flicking the channels too fast. All broadcasted every time Nadia bit on my lip. Memories resurfaced, flooding my mind with her sweet gasps; with the way she looked when she laid on my bed, the way she held me close when I crawled out of my skin to make her come.

“We’re in so much trouble…” Nadia whispered, straddling me.

Flushed cheeks and large, glistening eyes were the sexiest look she could wear. I tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ears, then grazed my thumb across her swollen lips.

Tags: I.A. Dice Erotic