Page 37 of Lips On My World

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Chapter Twelve


The crew finished a ride on our hogs in celebration of the addition to the family. As we make our way back inside of headquarters, I smirk at my newest brother. “You ready for this?”

“I’m ready to be part ofthisfamily,” Tank says with sincerity. “It will be a nice change from having my fate predestined in the mob.” Tank rubs his thumb over his bottom lip. “You think this will do the trick to winning over Ebony?”

“Please tell me she’s not the only reason why you’re joining Mercy Ravens?”

Ebony is one of the original MC bunnies, but since Tank joined our crew, working to earn his cut, Ebony has beenoff-limitsto the rest of the MC brothers.

“No, she’s not theonlyreason,” Tank retorts. “But I’d be lying if I said she didn’t sweeten the deal.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Aw, Tony, I don’t know if joining the Mercy Ravens is going to make Ebony more willing to give you a shot. She seems content being single.”

Tank’s pouting is a hilarious look for a giant man. “What’s wrong with being in a relationship? I’m a great guy; I can be fun. She would want for nothing.”

What do I say? I don’t want to give my brother false hope, but what goes on in the woman’s head is anyone’s guess. Perhaps she’s looking for a relationship. And maybe she hasn’t found the one guy who can give her everything she wants. Why couldn’t that guy be Tank?

“Well, being an official member of the MC can’t hurt, right? I bet Ebony’s playing hard to get. She seems to like it when you got down with her at the wedding. Perhaps she likes a guy who isn’t afraid to go after what he wants.”

Tank’s eyes brighten, possibly recalling how the two of them were attached at the hip on the dance floor of our reception. “She seems to like dramatic public displays of affection.”

I slap him on the back. “I think you figured out her shtick. Come on. The rest of the guys are waiting on us.”

Tank and I make our way into the telecom room. As soon as Tank enters, the room erupts in applause and whistles. Gauge comes up to me with Tank’s cut and I help our newest brother don it. The black leather with the conspiracy of red ravens and our club name adorns the back, with Tony’s club name, Tank, patched in red over his heart.

There’s no need to recite rules or reiterate what is expected of Tank in the club. He’s been a prospect for several months and has worked to earn his cut like the rest of the crew. He wouldn’t be wearing our colors if he didn’t meet our expectations. This is a graduation within biker culture—work hard, stay loyal, and earn your place among us.

“It official. You’re one of us,” I say.

“One of us. One of us,” Punk chants in a creepy voice, making the crew laugh.

“Welcome to the family, Tank.” I shake his hand, pulling him into a brotherly hug. The fucker hugs me back, nearly crushing me. He laughs at my discomfort.

Gauge is next in line to hug the six-eight giant. “Black and red look good on you, bro.”

“A lot better than a suit,” Chase says with a chuckle.

After the crew embraces our newest brother, I address my men. “Today, we added another Raven to our conspiracy. This is a celebratory occasion, and tonight we celebrate. The last few weeks have been rough, and I appreciate all of your efforts in tracking Esteban. FBI is saying they had a confirmed sighting of him in Brazil, so he is not an immediate threat for the time being. The MC ladies have made a nice meal for inducting Tank into the family. Let's eat and get drunk. Tomorrow we’re back on the case.”

“HOOYAH!” My crew shouts.

We make our way out to the dining room where a spread has been prepared by Stella and all the bunnies. Tank spots Ebony setting out pitchers of beer. He glances and me, doubt lines on his forehead. I tilt my head at Ebony. “Go for it, bro.”

Tank straightens his cut and clears his throat.“Che bella cosa è na jornata ‘e sole,”he sings at the top of his lungs in a deep tenor.

The room freezes.

Ebony blinks, shocked. She looks behind her to see if he’s singing to someone other than her. Once she sees she’s the intended audience of the surprise Italian operatic, she faces him with a giant smile plastered on her face. She’s eating this attention up.

Tank takes her hand and places it palm flat on his chest, singing his heart out for all he's worth. The rest of the MC women are sniffling and awing, whereas the men are trying to keep their shit together.

Once he finishes, Tank stands before her, chest heaving and her hand over his heart. Ebony grabs him by his cut. “Come here, you,” she says before pulling him down to her level and planting a fat one on his lips.

The room breaks into laughter and cheers.

“Keep it PG-13,” I shout over the noise, smiling at Tank. He hasn’t won her over yet, but that was an epic start.

Tags: M.J. Marino Romance