Page 19 of Lips On My World

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Gauge stares at me like I’ve grown a second head. “Seriously?”

“I need to get my head straight before the babies arrive.”

My brother narrows his eyes. “Atlas, we’ve talked about this. You can’t be going around telling people Jo is pregnant when she’s not pregnant yet. That’s the shit that pisses her off.”

“Well, I can now because it’s true,” I chuckle.

Gauge’s eyebrows rise. “Nu-uh?! No way! Are you screwing with me, or are you for real?”

“Its early stages, but yeah, we’re pregnant. We’re trying to keep it under wraps ‘till we get a thumbs-up from her doctor.”

“No shit!” Gauge leans over to embrace in a bro hug, slapping each other hard on the backs. “Damn. I’m going to be an uncle. Opal is going to be an aunt. She’ll be ecstatic.” Gauge looks over at his angel. “This may be the thing to shake her from her melancholy. She loves kids.”

“You should consider giving her some then,” I challenge.

“I will when the time is right. The night before the pedo showed up, Opal told me she’d like to open a bakery. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go to culinary school or get her business degree, but she sure loves baking her famous cakes and wants to share them with others. I’ll do whatever Opal wants. If she wants a bakery, I’ll buy her a damn bakery. If she wants to have kids, I’ll give her kids. And if she wants the ring, the house, the kids, and the job, I’ll make it happen for her.”

Opal whimpers in her sleep in the room next to us.

“I’ll let you get back to her; I know that’s where you want to be,” I say. “I know it’s too late for a deep conversation tonight, but is it okay if Jo stops by tomorrow to talk to her? I feel Jo should interact with her before I do; Opal would probably feel more comfortable with a girlfriend.”

“Of course, bro. I think the two of them talking would help Opal a lot. Jo can relate to her on a level we can’t.”

After I leave their suite, I head back to the main level. Josephine is still chatting away about our trip. Hades lies across her lap. The bunnies, who are ladies of our MC, sit with her. The rest of my crew hang around the bar, shooting the shit. Josephine’s parents must have already shuffled off to bed.

I make my way back to the tech room where Chase is waiting for me, pausing when I step through the door.

Chase has one hand resting against the wall with Simone between him and the wall. Plenty of room for her to sneak around him, but she’s not budging.

“I want to see you tonight, Numbers,” Chase murmurs in a rough voice.

Simone shakes her head. “When I said I needed time, I meant more than a couple hours.”

“You don’t enjoy sleeping in a cold bed by yourself; you told me so.” Chase moves in closer ‘till he’s chest to chest with Simone. “Come on, beautiful. Stop fighting this pull between us. We fit together in every way and you know it. All you need to do is let me in.”

Simone takes her fist and firmly pushes against my third-in-command’s chest. He backs up, giving her space, but he’s not entirely retreating.

“I’m not saying ‘no’ to a relationship. I just want to go slow,” she clarifies.

Chase flaunts a crooked grin, raising a pierced brow. “Oh, I can give you slow—slow and deep.”

Alright. Too much information.I clear my throat as loud as I can.

Simone squeaks, her pale skin turning pink from being caught red-handed again. Chase smiles at me, throwing an arm around Simone’s shoulder. “Welcome back, Prez.”

I shake my head, knowing exactly what the asshole is doing. He thinks having others see him with Simone will force her to face the potential of a relationship forming between them. I get it. I did the same thing with Josephine. But there’s a huge difference because Josephine wasn’t fresh on the market from a breakup. Chase needs to back off and give my sister-in-law time to get over her ex. “What are you doing, bro?”

“Was talking to Simone about us going public,” he says, nonchalant.

Simone balks. “We’re not an item, Chase!”

“Sure we are. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you get to enjoy all the benefits of having me as your man full-time,” Chase counters undeterred.

Simone huffs, flipping her sandy hair over her shoulder. “You’re impossible to reason with.” She exits the room, her heels clicking along the floor.

“Why fight it when you’re only fighting yourself? You know you want me,” Chase calls after her. We both look at each other and start laughing. “She’s totally mine.”

“I agree, but I still think you have your work cut out for you. She’s not ready to yield soon. Hope you’re ready for a dry spell because that’s what’s coming. Consider yourself on pussy probation from here on out.”

Tags: M.J. Marino Romance