Page 89 of Dark Crown

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I smirk at that and take his hand, shaking firmly. “Thanks.”

He nods and glances at Maxim. “Read through the document.”

Maxim glares at me before turning and walking to the table to read it.

Uncle looks at Eliza. “So it took the threat of losing the girl to back down, huh?”

I clench my jaw. “I don’t know what you mean.”

He smiles knowingly at me. “Oh, you do. And I know exactly how you feel.” He claps me on the shoulder. “We all saw you jump in front of that bullet. There’s no point denying it. Own it as a strength and don’t see it as a weakness.”

Rourke is the first to return to me, clutching the document. “Agreed.” He thrusts it at me and I see it has his signature already on it. “Let’s get this signed and sealed and put the bullshit to bed.”

“Sounds good to me,” I say, signing their copy and giving him my copy to sign. After all, we each need an original signed copy. That’s how this works.

Massimo approaches shortly after and wordlessly passes me his signed copy, scribbling his autograph on Rourke’s and mine, which are on the small table next to me.

Maxim approaches next and gives his father a nod.

Uncle then signs all four copies, and the rest of us sign his. Once done, a tentative silence falls over the room.

“It’s finally over,” Killian says, running a hand through his hair. “Thank fuck for that.”

A few of the guys in the room chuckle.

“We’ll take our leave now,” Massimo says.

I nod and watch as he and his brothers walk away.

Rourke claps me on the shoulder. “And us.” He nods to Killian and Kieran who both follow, but it’s my uncle and Maxim that linger.

“Your father is angry with you, but know blood is blood,” Uncle says, shrugging.

It’s hard to believe that my uncle can be that forgiving. He’s a crazy bastard, and no doubt wanted to string me up by my fingers in his dungeon when he realized what I’d done. “You can’t mean that you forgive my betrayal?”

He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t go that far. I’m saying don’t be a stranger.”

I nod in reply as he heads toward the exit, followed closely by Maxim. Once they’ve left, I sag against the edge of the little table and sigh.

Eliza squeezes my hand. “You need to sit down.”

“I think you may be right.” I walk over to a small chair, aided by her, and sink into it. “At least we’re safe for now.”

“For now?” she asks, perching on the edge of the chair.

I nod. “Peace never lasts forever.”

She worries her bottom lip between her teeth and places a hand on her stomach. “I hope it lasts for a while.”

“As do I,” I say, grabbing her and forcing her to sit in my lap. “The one thing that’s certain is I’ll protect you and our baby, I promise.”

“How about me finishing medical school?” she asks.

I arch a brow. “While pregnant?”

She shrugs. “Why not?”

I smile. “Once the baby is born, you can enroll in the class again for next year. How about that?”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance