Page 87 of Dark Crown

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I know she’s talking about what happened to my mother. Those wounds always seemed too deep to heal, and that’s exactly what the psycho who killed her wanted. To leave me broken and scarred for the rest of my life.

“I’m not so sure they can ever truly heal, Eliza.” I look into her eyes. “But I will try to be happy for you and the baby.”

Her jaw clenches. “I want you to be happy for yourself.”

I nod in response and shut my eyes, exhaustion clawing at me. “I’ve never felt so fucking tired.”

“The doctors said you lost a lot of blood.” She glances at the drip injected into my arm. “They said you were lucky to survive this time around.”

I swallow hard, knowing that my reckless behavior in pursuit of the crown has brought me to the brink. “Who brought me in?”


I nod in response. “I suppose this means the city is still at war.” I sigh heavily, running a hand through my hair. “There’s only one way to end it.”

“Please say it’s something safe.”

I nod. “Yes, it means giving the assholes what they want and burying the deals your father made with them, as they don’t want to honor them with me in charge.”

“And you would do that?” she asks, sounding skeptical.

“Yes, it that so hard to believe?”

She nods. “A little, as it’s clear you’re not the kind of man who backs down.”

I clench my fists by my side as she’s right. Backing down from a fight goes against every instinct and yet I know I’d do it to keep her and the baby safe. “It’s worth it for your safety.”

Eliza twirls a strand of her hair around her finger. “When we first met, I thought you were a monster. Even before everything you did to me, I got this…” She trails off, as if searching for the right word. “Sense, I guess. A sense that you didn’t have a heart.”

“You were right. I had been dead inside for a long time before we met.” I pull her so she’s perched on the edge of my hospital bed. “And yet somehow you’ve got my heart beating again.”

She places her hand on my chest and sighs heavily. “I don’t think I’ll ever make sense of this, but I think I give up trying.”

I cup the back of her head and pull her toward me, kissing her softly. The love I feel in that moment is overwhelming, but I’m done fighting these feelings. Fear is something I had overcome in my life and yet when I saw Thiago pointing that barrel of his gun at Eliza, I’d never felt terror like it, and I’m going to ensure I never do again.

* * *

Eliza hurriesalong the corridor with my bags as I use the crutches to walk behind her. She’s so excited that I’m getting discharged from hospital today, but little does she know that we’re heading straight back into the lion’s den.

Massimo and the other leaders are waiting for us at the mansion. It can’t be put off any longer. I intend to hand them the empty missile shells as proof that I never had that kind of fire-power to begin with, as well as call off the blockade on the border. It still baffles me they believe I did.

And then sign a peace treaty that involves all four organizations. Chicago will finally be back to how it was before Ronan Callaghan was murdered. None of them have accused me of Ronan’s murder, but I sense they believe I had something to do with it. And for once, they’re wrong. I don’t know who killed Ronan Callaghan, but it wasn’t me and it certainly wasn’t my uncle.

Budimir meets us at the entrance and takes the bags off of Eliza, giving me a short nod of greeting. We get into the car and he drives toward the house.

Eliza turns toward me. “Are you glad to be out of there?”

“Of course. It’s been two excruciating weeks.” I grab the back of her neck and pull her toward me, kissing her passionately. “Mainly because I’ve not been able to fuck you.”

Eliza shudders at that, glancing forward at Budimir, who is keeping his attention on the road. “Adrik, you aren’t fully healed yet.”

I smirk. “Do you think that’s going to stop me when we get home?”

She pulls away from me, shaking her head. “You heard the doctor. Rest is key to your speedy recovery.”

“Who said I’d be doing any of the work?” I ask, smirking at her.

Her cheeks turn a deep pink as she blows out a flustered breath. “You are impossible.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance