Page 7 of Dark Crown

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I sigh heavily and drag myself off the bed, knowing that she’s right. If I don’t enjoy my last two months of freedom, I’ll regret it.

* * *

We’re sitting eatingour meal at La Vella, an upmarket Italian restaurant in central Chicago, when a guy I don’t recognize sits down next to Lila.

“Hey, fancy seeing you here?”

Lila’s cheeks flush as she glances at him. “Hey, Luca.”

A sense of unease prickles across the back of my neck. “Who is your friend?”

He smirks and holds a hand over the table to me. “Luca Morrone.”

My gut twists as although the cartel hasn’t picked a side in the war, I know that my engagement to Adrik Volkov suggests my uncle is on the Russian’s side. “Nice to meet you,” I say, keeping my voice even as I shake his hand.

Luca is the youngest Morrone and rumor has it the most unpredictable. He shot Spartak Volkov during his wedding to Luca’s cousin, Imalia. “What are you doing so far from home?” he asks, eyes fixed on Lila.

Lila swallows hard and shrugs. “Having fun since I just got home for spring break.”

Luca nods, eyes fixed on my sister. “How is it at the academy?”

She shrugs. “Same old.”

I haven’t seen my sister so freaking quiet before in all my life. She avoids meeting his gaze and looks a little uncomfortable. “If you don’t mind, we’re having some sister bonding time.” I give him a pointed look.

He smirks and holds his hands up in surrender. “Of course, Eliza. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”

This is why we shouldn’t have snuck out tonight. Enemies are around every corner and it’s why our papá tells us we can’t go out alone after dark.

He leans toward Lila and whispers something in her ear, making her blush a darker red.

I narrow my eyes, ready to punch him if he tries something.

And then he smiles at me, standing. “Good meeting you.” He nods. “Have a good night.” He walks away, leaving me staring at my sister and wondering how she knows the youngest Morrone son.

“What the hell was that?” I ask once he’s out of earshot.

She shrugs. “We knew each other at the academy.”

It makes sense, since Luca is only a few years older than Lila. However, there was something else about that encounter. “Do you like him?”

Her eyes widen as she looks at me. “What?”

“I said, do you like him?”

She shakes her head. “Don’t be crazy, Eliza. He’s a Morrone.”

That doesn’t answer my question, but I decide it’s best not to push her. If Lila doesn’t want to tell me about Luca, then I know it’s useless trying to get her to talk.

I finish off my chocolate brownie and huff, clutching my stomach. “I’m so fucking full.”

Lila laughs. “I told you that dessert was too much.”

I glare at her. “You know that my eyes are always bigger than my stomach.”

“Shall we find somewhere to grab a few drinks?”

I raise a brow at her. “You realize you’re underage, right?”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance