Page 67 of Dark Crown

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I nod.

Her expression turns grave. “I don’t know what to say. I know congratulations aren’t exactly suitable in this situation.”

I shrug. “I don’t know. At least I won’t feel so alone having a little one to depend on me.” I take a bite of my fajita and groan at how good it takes. “I do love your food, Mariana.”

She smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’m glad. Hopefully, the little one will too.” Her brow furrows. “I must admit, the house feels very empty lately. A baby wouldn’t be the worst thing.”

“No, it wouldn’t, and I’m sure Adrik will be too busy to spend time with it, so I can shield him or her from him.”

I notice Mariana wince out of the corner of my eye. “He’s a troubled young man. And I can’t imagine what you’re going through married to him.”

I chew my food, feeling a little ashamed that I’ve actually been enjoying his attention lately. It’s like he’s stolen my self-respect and the only pleasure I have now is what he gives me. The intrigue I feel about his past and what happened to him to make him the way he is has been goading me, but it’s clear he has no intention of telling me more about his mother’s murder.

“Somehow I have to make the best of it,” I say, feeling a little awkward. “I spoke to Lila earlier.”

She straightens. “You did? How?”

I swallow hard. “I used the spare key to get into Papá’s study and rang her from the phone in there. She’s at the academy and safe.”

She sighs. “That’s good news. I assume I was right and they’ve had your papá’s funeral?”

I nod in reply, a sadness spreading through my chest that I couldn’t be there. Even though I witnessed him die in the blink of an eye, it still doesn’t feel quite real, especially since I haven’t even had the chance to say goodbye properly. “Yes, they had the funeral when you heard about it, a couple of weeks ago. She was back from the academy for it.”

Mariana places a hand over mine and squeezes. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye, mija.”

I squeeze her hand back. “Hopefully, when I get more freedom, I can visit his grave and see my siblings again.” I clench my jaw as I remember Adrik said I’ll never be able to see them again, as he won’t have me conspiring with them behind his back.

“You will, I’m sure of it.” She nods at my unfinished wrap. “Now, eat. That baby won’t grow on thin air.”

I smile and finish the rest of my first fajita before putting together another.

Mariana keeps her hands busy, cleaning up. It’s rare that she sits still for a moment in the day, always on the move.

“Do you think he will be cruel to the baby?”

She looks at me then, brow furrowing as she thinks about the question. “I don’t think so. That man is troubled, but I sense he would care for his own child.”

“What makes you say that?”

She shrugs. “Intuition.”

Someone clears their throat at the doorway and Mariana’s face turns pale. “Leave us.”

She gives me an apologetic look before dashing away.

I swallow hard and don’t turn to look at him as he approaches.

“Is that what you think, Eliza?” he asks.

“What?” I ask, munching on my food despite suddenly having no appetite at all.

“That I’d treat our child badly?” He sinks onto the stool next to me, and I glance at him.

I shrug and put the half-eaten wrap down. “You’ve treated me badly, so why would a baby be any different?”

There’s a flash of something in those cold eyes of his, but it’s gone before I can detect what it is. “I won’t be cruel to our baby.” He tilts his head. “I suppose that means you finally took the test.”

I look down at my lap and nod. “Yes, it’s positive.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance