Page 58 of Dark Crown

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And then he sinks his teeth into my collarbone, just below the cut he inflicted. His cock erupts inside of me, filling me with his cum.

I take a while to come down from the hedonistic pleasure he enticed, but as soon as I do, shame sweeps through me like a violent storm. The blood on the sheets and smeared over our skin is enough to make my stomach roll.

Adrik pushes off of me and rolls onto his side, his back to me without a word. I stare at the ceiling, wondering if tears will come. There aren’t any. All I feel is an empty, dark pit in the center of my chest as I wonder what the fuck this man has done to me.



“Come here, boy.”

I look into the intruder’s eyes and then glance at my mother, who shakes her head out of fear. I’ve never seen her like this before. Terror spreads through me as I shake my head in response. “I’m fine.”

“I said, come here,” he growls, letting go of my mom, who can’t move with her hands bound, marching toward me.

I struggle, but I’m too little and this man is a monster. He lifts me by the collar of my shirt and carries me over to my mother’s side. “Please let me go,” I plead, kicking and thrashing out. It’s no use. He drops me by her side.

My mom’s tears are staining the rag around her mouth as she looks at me, trying to reassure me with those kind eyes of hers.

“Your little boy is going to watch while I bask in your blood and fuck you to death, Ana.”

Her eyes widen, and tears spill from them as she shakes her head frantically.

The man smirks, showing all his white pearly teeth like a savage animal. “Or perhaps I’ll kill you first and enjoy fucking your corpse while you bleed out.”

My mom’s eyes are almost black now as she turns to me, tears dripping down her face. I want to say something, reassure her, but I can’t. The flash of metal draws my attention, but I don’t see this man’s next move until it’s too late. And I’m too weak to do anything to stop him, anyway. Small and pathetic as I watch horror unfold in front of my eyes.

Where the hell is father?

He thrusts the knife deep into her throat and blood spurts into the air, coating me and the man. The sound of her choking on her blood fills the room as it bubbles up. Her eyes are wide and shining with unshed tears as she stares right at me. I think she’s trying to apologize, but she can’t speak with the knife wedged in her throat.

The echo of a zipper being pulled down is the next thing I hear and then I glance at the man, my body turning stiff as I see him pull his weiner out. My heart pounding so hard and fast as it doesn’t look right. It’s hard and veiny. He tears my mom’s clothes off and then I see the way he thrust forward. I don’t understand what’s happening, as he places his hands in my mom’s blood and smears it all over his own body.

When I glance back at my mom, I realize there’s no longer any light in them. Tears streak down my face as all of her goodness is gone. She’s dead, I realize.

“Touch your mommy, boy, while I fuck her like the whore she was.” I glance at the man, hatred coiling through me as I want to stick a knife in his throat, but I can hardly move from the fear and shock.

I don’t understand the words this monster is saying. It feels like I’m drowning and can’t do anything to stop myself.

“Adrik!”I hear my voice called in rasping sounds, as the psycho grabs my hand and forces it against my mother’s bare skin. “Wake up!”

My eyes fly open and I realize I’m on top of my wife with my hands wrapped tight around her neck, squeezing so hard her eyes are bulging and her face is pale from the lack of oxygen. Perspiration beads over every inch of my skin as I release her and roll away, trying desperately to shake the vividity of the dream from my mind.

I can’t say a word as I swing my legs out of the bed and pace toward the bathroom. Eliza almost became a victim of my past. The woman who’s more than likely carrying my unborn child, my heir. Turning on the faucet at the sink, I look at myself in the mirror and hardly recognize the man staring back. My eyes are almost entirely black as my pupils have dilated completely and I’m pale, almost ghostlike.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a vivid dream of my past and about the horror I went through as a kid. I fear my depraved desires toward my wife are fueling them to return.

“Are you okay?”

My body tenses at the sound of her sweet, angelic voice from the doorway. I glance at her in the mirror and nod. “Fine, go back to bed.”

Her fingers trace over the dark bruise already forming around her neck. “You almost killed me.” She says it with an odd sort of disinterest, as if it doesn’t bother her I almost choked the life out of her.

“I apologize. Go back to bed.”

Her eyes narrow. “You were shouting at me to stop.” She takes a step inside of the bathroom, ignoring my order to go back to bed. “What were you dreaming about?”

Eliza’s pushing her luck. I clench my jaw and focus my attention on my reflection rather than on her. “Nothing. I told you to go back to bed.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance