Page 33 of Dark Crown

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“You may send men to verify the contents of the truck if you wish,” he says.

I glance at Budimir and give him a nod. He steps forward along with two of my men and walks to the back of the truck. The driver gets out and opens the back and they disappear inside.

If this doesn’t go as planned, then everything I’ve worked for could unravel in a matter of minutes. It feels like an eternity passes by as Santoro and I remain where we were standing, gazes fixed on each other. One thing is for sure, there’s no trust on either side.

The men who were counting the cash speak in Spanish to Santoro, drawing his eyes away from me. He returns his attention to me and nods. “It’s all there.”

I run a hand across the back of my neck. “I told you it was.”

His eyes narrow.

Finally, Budimir and the two other men get down from the truck and give me one nod, meaning all is as it should be. Perhaps this isn’t going to go to shit.

“We’re done here then,” I say.

Santoro nods. “It would seem like it.” He nods at his men to get back in the SUV. “Pleasure doing business with you.” His eyes narrow. “In future, don’t come with so many men as it puts our guys on edge, okay?”

I nod in response. “Understood.”

He salutes and then gets into the SUV, driving away and leaving the truck. There is still an air of tension and I can’t help but feel like that went too well.

“Shall I drive the truck?” Budimir asks.

I shake my head and walk toward it. “We need to check under it for explosives,” I say.

His eyes widen. “You think it’s rigged?”

I don’t trust Santoro, or anyone and I will not take the risk. “Better safe than sorry.”

He nods and gets the inspection mirror out of the trunk of our car. He walks the perimeter of the truck and then pauses, face going pale. “It’s rigged.”


“Is there a timer or is it hooked up to the engine?” I ask, keeping my voice calm.

“Engine,” he confirms.

I shake my head. “They underestimated me, as it should have been on a timer. Remove the product from the back of the truck and put it in the vans. We leave the truck here and send a message to Mexico.”

Budimir’s eyebrow arches. “What kind of message?”

“Leave that to me.” I know exactly how to send a message to Don Pablo. It will be violent, but it’ll make him certain I’m not to be messed with.

I crack my neck as the tension builds and my men get to work shifting the tonnes of cocaine. The delay only makes us more vulnerable here at the docks. Police patrols are common and we need to product out of here as quick as possible.

I speak through the radio and order the thirty men surrounding us to abandon their stations and come and move the product. The quicker we get out of here, the better.

* * *

I’mon edge when I return to the mansion, shaken by Don Pablo’s underhanded attempt to fuck me over. It backfired on him, though. And hopefully that will be proof enough that I’m worthy of the crown. The proof that I’m not sloppy like his pathetic cousin.

I yank my tie loose as I walk up the stairs to my bedroom. Unlocking the door, I step inside and I’m welcomed by the image of Eliza sprawled on my bed half-naked and fast asleep.

Despite my exhaustion, it quickly melts at the sight of her. There’s something about this girl that I can’t put my finger on. She made me desperate last night while I fucked her, taking some of the control as I was so close to exploding and she wouldn’t let go.

I feel my cock harden as I shut the door behind me and lock it. The desire I feel for her is still as clear as ever. Perhaps it’s driven by my need to produce an heir to stabilize my claim on the throne. Whatever it is, it makes me feel off kilter.

I chuck my suit jacket on the nearby chair along with my tie and then walk toward the bed. The desire clawing at my insides is unbearable as I watch her full breasts heave up and down with deep breaths as she sleeps in nothing but her underwear. My cock strains against the confines of my pants and I unzip them, the sound startling her awake.

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance