Page 29 of Dark Crown

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She sinks back into the chair reluctantly, her throat bobbing as she swallows. It draws my attention to it and I feel the desperate urge to wrap my palm around it and squeeze to see the fear increase in her eyes.

“You knew the consequences of running, and yet you did it, anyway. Why?”

Her tongue darts out across her lip. “Because I hoped I could escape.”

“I thought I made it clear there’s no escape.” I lean forward and look her in the eye. “If you run, I will hunt you down. There’s nowhere on this planet you can go where I won’t find you.” I lower my voice more, narrowing my eyes. “This is your life now and you are Mrs. Volkov. There’s no escaping reality.”

Eliza looks like she wants to throw up as she nods her head in reply. “I’m beginning to understand that.”

“Shame you didn’t understand it earlier.” I stand. “Now you’re going to be punished and I’m afraid I’ll take much more enjoyment out of what comes next than you.”

My wife shudders, but doesn’t stand.

“Get up,” I order.

She does as she’s told with an air of reluctance and then I grab her forearm forcefully, pulling her against me.

“It’s time to find out how tough you really are, baby girl.”

I didn’t believe it was possible for her to turn paler, but then I feel her body sag as she passes out in my arms.

Not so tough, it would seem.

I carry her out of the cafe and Gustavo rushes to help me get her in the back of the car. Clearly, my wife has underestimated how dark my soul is. I won’t show her mercy, as that won’t teach her a lesson. She will pay for her mistakes tonight. Whether she’s conscious or not, it doesn’t really matter.



My eyes flutter open and it takes a while for them to adjust to the darkness. Once they do, I’m not sure where I am as I scan the room. It looks like a guest room at Papá’s house. I push myself upright, my head swimming with hazy memories.

And then it all comes flooding back to me. I foolishly thought that I could escape the party and get word out to my brothers to collect me before Adrik found me. When he sat down opposite me in that internet cafe, I’ve never felt more terror than when I looked into his cold hazel eyes.

For the first time, I detected a hint of emotion in them and it was the excitement at telling me he was going to punish me. No word of how or when, but the promise was there. The last words I heard him say were,It’s time to find out how tough you really are, baby girl.

Everything became too much then, and I blacked out. In less than a week, my world has been torn to shreds by a man I’m now forced to live with. Being forced down the aisle at gunpoint was stressful enough, add the grief and trauma of watching him blow my papá’s brains out and then take my virginity without my consent mere hours after, and I’m surprised I haven’t had a heart attack or worse. A part of me wishes I had, as at least I’d be free of this prison.

The room is dark as I glance around, wondering why I’m not in my bedroom. And that’s when I notice him, staring right at me as he sits in a nearby chair. Those hazel eyes are visible through the darkness. A scream tears from my throat before I can stop it, as it feels like I’m in a nightmare.

“There’s really no need for that, Eliza.” He stands and walks toward the bed. “I took the liberty of having you chained to my bed this evening.”

His bed.

It feels like my skin is crawling over my flesh as I realize I’m lying where he sleeps. The scent of him suddenly noticeable and pungent, enveloping me.

“W-What happened?” I ask, hating the tremor of fear is detectable.

He grins, which is eerie, as his teeth are so white against the darkness of the room. “You aren’t as tough as I thought.” He moves to the nightstand and turns on the lamp. “You passed out on our way out of the cafe, which doesn’t bode well for you withstanding your punishment.”

My entire body shakes with fear and I can’t stop it. This man is soulless.

His eyes light up as he notices my fear. “Are you scared, Eliza?”

I swallow hard and glare at him, as I’m not going to answer that question with the affirmative. He knows I fear him and he’s trying to get me to admit it. The hatred I feel for him is growing stronger and more encompassing with every second I’m in his presence.

“No,” I say, surprising myself with how sure I sound. Because suddenly I’m not scared, just angry. Angry that this is now my life and that this bastard has control over me.

He stands and moves toward the bed. “You should be.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance