Page 19 of Dark Crown

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“It’s merely a suggestion to make it less painful.” His eyes narrow. “You’re my wife and the key to the throne, which means consummating this marriage, is nothing more than a business transaction.” He speaks of this as if it merely is nothing more than signing a contract.

Does he have no morality at all? It’s been a few hours since I watched him blow my papá’s brains out and he thinks I should willingly accept that now I’m his. Nothing more than a mare to be fucked and bred from to provide him and heir and the claim to the throne.

A sense of hopelessness sweeps through me, and it makes me want to end everything. I’ve never been one for depressive thoughts, but this isn’t living. I sensed the darkness inside this man the moment that we met and, sadly for me; I was right.

He’s a demon in disguise. A beast with no heart. And right now he’s taking what he wants from me no matter what I say, because it’s mydutyas his wife.

Sickness pools in my gut as I stop fighting, turning limp beneath him. I’m not one for giving up, but how can I fight this? Restrained to a bed with nothing I can do other than plead with a man that has no decency. It feels like the only way out is death and I’ve never been a pessimistic person.

The worst part of all, he’s brought me home to my family house, where I’ve spent almost six years of my life. In my bedroom, chained to my bed and being fucked against my will. The man has no shred of decency.

Adrik growls and wraps his palm around my throat, squeezing so hard it makes my body tense up. The fight returning the moment my life is in threat. “You will not lie beneath me limp and unwilling, Eliza. You’ll enjoy it.”

I try desperately to draw oxygen into my lungs, panicking as he chokes me. There’s no doubt in my mind that he doesn’t intend to kill me, but as I stare at those soulless eyes, I wonder if he has any control over his rage.

“Your tight little cunt will come for me.” His lips move over mine, making bile rise up my throat. “Even if I have to spend the entire night fucking you raw.” He leans down and sucks one of my hard nipples into his mouth, forcing my back to arch.

I hate the way my body reacts to his touch. A purely natural response from a girl who has never been touched by anyone, but it feels so opposing to the hatred that coils deep in my gut and floods my veins.

I want to tear at him, punch him, kick him, hurt him as badly as he’s hurt me. And yet, as he lavishes attention to my hard, puckered nipples, I feel myself slipping away to the pleasure.

Adrik pulls back and looks me in the eye, making a shiver travel the length of my body. Those hazel eyes flecked with blue make me feel so cold and yet I can feel myself getting wetter in anticipation. “Now, I want you to be a good wife and accept what I give you. Do you understand?”

I grind my teeth together, not too far gone to give in to this bastard’s sick and twisted requests. “No.”

He shakes his head, but moves in and out of me, eyes remaining fixed on mine. “The more you fight, the more it’ll hurt.”

I clench my jaw, knowing that there’s no world in which I stop fighting this evil son of a bitch. And yet, what exactly can I fight? Chained to the bed and restrained by a man so utterly evil that he doesn’t see how fucked up this is.

Perspiration beads on his forehead as he fucks me in a slow and steady rhythm, no doubt struggling to hold himself back. The burning sensation becomes different as he continues to slide in and out of me. Although it still hurts, I can feel the slickness building between my thighs and the pressure deep within becoming more pleasurable.

It horrifies me.

“In time, you’ll realize there’s no point fighting the inevitable, Eliza.” He pinches my painfully hard nipples, making me gasp. “You’ll realize life will be easier if you just submit to me.” He moves his lips close to mine, but doesn’t kiss me. “And in time, you’ll beg for my cock, baby girl.”

A shudder races down my spine that this man could be so fucking delusional to believe that I’d ever beg him for anything. I hate him. It’s so intense it feels like it might consume me, like a forest fire sweeping through hectares of dry woodland in the middle of summer. I spit in his face. “I’ll never beg you for anything.”

He growls, sliding his palm back around my throat and squeezing so hard I wonder if I’ve pushed too hard and he’ll murder me instead. “Before you know it, you’ll be on your knees begging me for many things and calling me daddy.”

A twist of sickening desire coils through my gut at the prospect of calling him thatword. It doesn’t match the man and yet the dirtiness of it does something to me I can’t explain.

Maybe Adrik will kill me now and perhaps that would be the best outcome. Death seems a far kinder fate than being forced to submit to a man so sick he thinks he can kill my papá in front of me, steal the crown from my brothers and then expect me to enjoy him fucking me.

And yet the lack of oxygen heightens that sickening sensation building in the pit of my stomach. It feels as though I have no control over anything, as the pain gives way to something else entirely.

Adrik stares down at me like an angry God who has the right to take whatever he wants. I fear that’s exactly what he believes. A man so wrapped up in his own superiority complex, he can’t understand the difference between right and wrong.

“Fuck,” he groans, his cock swelling inside of me. “Your cunt is like a vise.” He reaches down and applies pressure on my clit, making it even harder to hold on to my control.

I hate the way my nipples tingle at his dirty talk. I hate everything about this. My nostrils flare as I feel the pressure deep within becoming more forceful with every thrust of his hips.

All the while, he watches me as I struggle with the disgust and pleasure going to war inside of me. I have to stare up at the man who murdered Papá brutally, taking my virginity as if it’s some prize to be claimed. As if is something that belongs to him irrefutably.

Everything inside me feels conflicting as he drives me toward a cliff edge with his cock and fingers, playing with me so that it becomes impossible to hold on to the waves trying to crash inside of me.

I can do nothing to stop it as I writhe against the restraints. The pain barely registers anymore as I sink my teeth into my lip to stop myself from crying out from the pleasure. All the while, I try to hold on to the one notion repeating over and over in my mind like a broken record.

I hate this man.

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance