Page 13 of Dark Crown

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How did I not notice those guys were in the van with us?

I stumble up the steps as Adrik’s stride is too long for me to keep up with, as he manhandles me into the church. When we get inside, there’s a priest standing at an altar at the end of the aisle.

“What is going on?”

A gun cocks behind me and Budimir, the driver, is aiming it at my head. “You’re getting married, Eliza, right now.”

It feels like my world starts to spin as I glance at Adrik, who looks entirely expressionless. Those calculating eyes watching me and waiting for my reaction. He’s betraying my papá.

“Why?” I ask.

A slight smirk twists onto his lips. “Why indeed? We don’t have time for questions, Eliza.” He glances at Budimir, who moves forward and presses the gun to the back of my head. “Now, it’s simple. You walk down this aisle and say I do, or I blow your brains out and go and fetch your sister instead.”

My body turns as stiff as a board at the threat. Eyes widening as I glance at Adrik. “She’s barely turned eighteen.”

He chuckles. “Do you think that would stop me?”

It feels like all the blood has drained out of my body, as I know that if I were to fight this, Lila would be in danger. There’s no way I can allow her to be subjected to the mercy of this monster.

“Now, do we have an understanding?” he asks.

I nod reluctantly, despite the sickness pooling in my gut. The bile rising up my throat makes me want to puke as I glance down the aisle at the priest. Two men are standing next to him, their guns pointed at his back. Clearly, he doesn’t want to be here either.

“Now, move down the aisle nice and slow,” Adrik instructs.

I do as I’m told, walking down the aisle toward the priest with slow and steady steps. Although I knew I would never have a romantic and dream wedding, since my marriage was always going to be arranged. My visions of this day don’t come close to the reality I’m now facing.

Budimir pushes the mouth of the gun into the back of my skull. “A little faster. We don’t have all day.”

I tremble, hating how scared I am right now. None of this makes sense, since Papá made a deal with Adrik.

Why would he go behind his back and force me to get married to him ahead of time?

I risk a glance at Adrik and regret it instantly, as those cold eyes are watching me. The look in them sends a tremor through my very core. Once I stop at the front of the altar, Adrik glances at the priest. “As short as you can, Father.”

The priest is trembling. “Certainly.” He gives me an apologetic look as he opens his book and reads from it. The ceremony is short, but I can’t hear anything past the rush of blood in my ears.

Budimir remains close, his gun aimed at my head. All the while, all I can think about is why? What is Adrik’s end game here?

Nothing makes sense, and yet it doesn’t help that I have no knowledge of the original agreement between him and Papá.

Budimir pushes the gun harder into my skull, bringing me back to the present. “We’re waiting,” he growls.

I swallow hard. “Sorry, what?”

The priest trembles harder and says. “Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

I glance up at Adrik and know in that moment that I’d rather die than marry him. He’s a monster and yet I would marry him in a heartbeat to protect my sister from him.

“I do.”

Adrik smirks.

“Then, by the power vested in me by the almighty God, I now pronounce you man and wife.” He glances at Adrik. “You may kiss the bride.”

Adrik’s jaw clenches then, as if he’s in pain. He moves toward me and his lips barely brush mine in the softest kiss. It’s not what I expected from him at all, and when he straightens, there’s a very odd look in his eyes.

“Now, let’s find your father,” Adrik says.

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance