Page 11 of Dark Crown

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I grab her arm and look into her eyes. “Don’t make me have someone tail you, Eliza. I will do it.”

Her nostrils flare, but she bows her head in submission and then unlocks the door, leaving me reeling in my haze of anger. I’m surprised at how angry it made me seeing her touched by another man. Possessiveness isn’t something I’m used to since I normally just fuck prostitutes. Eliza belongs to me, and that makes it different. I won’t stand by while another man touches what is mine.

* * *

I pacethe floor of the warehouse I rented out, waiting for Budimir to arrive. Today is the day we take everything from Hernandez and leave him broken. The son of a bitch thought he could agree to a meeting with the Russians behind my back and not tell me. It’s been two weeks since he introduced me to his daughter and agreed on our deal, but now he’s considering backing out.

For a week, I’ve been followed not only by the Irish, but by Italians and Russians. They all know I’m up to something, which means I’m running out of time.

If Hernandez had any common sense, he would have realized I’d learned the truth from the men loyal to me within the bratva. It means I have to move my plans forward, but everything has been in place for a while, ready to go in case of an emergency like this.

“I’m sorry I’m late,” Budimir says.

I shake my head. “Is everything arranged?”

He nods. “Of course. The priest is already waiting at the church. We need to take Eliza from her home.”

“Perfect.” I clap him on the back. “Let’s make a move.”

Three of my men are already sitting in the van. All of them are bratva members, but their loyalty lies with me. I get into the passenger’s seat and then glance at them. “Are you guys ready? This could get pretty fucking crazy.”

“Always,” Pyotr says.

The other two nod in reply.

I glance at Budimir. “Let’s do this.”

The journey to the Estrada mansion is cloaked in tense silence, as we all know what we’re about to do is borderline insane. If it pays off, it will prove the greatest achievement of my life. We come to the gates and I lean over to speak into the intercom. “Adrik Volkov here to see Eliza.” I already called ahead to confirm that I’d be coming by to visit my fiancée.

“Of course, sir.” He buzzes me in, easy as fucking stealing candy from a baby.

Budimir drives up the long, sweeping driveway and parks in front of the door.

I turn to him. “I will go in alone to see Eliza and try to convince her to come with me.” I tap the intercom on my jacket. “If things go south, you come in and get me.”

He nods. “Got it.”

I pat him on the shoulder and exit the vehicle. Everything hinges on Eliza and getting her down that aisle today. We have a short window of opportunity, which means I have to work fast.

I ring the doorbell and tap my foot impatiently on the sandstone steps.

The housekeeper answers. “How may I help you?”

“I’m here to see Eliza. It’s Adrik Volkov.”

She bows her head. “Certainly, sir. Come inside.”

I step past her and into the castle—a castle that in less than a couple of hours should belong to me.

“I’ll fetch Miss Estrada.”

I wait in the hallway, thankful she’s bringing her to me so close to the escape route. It will make taking her that much easier.

After waiting two excruciating minutes, Eliza comes down the stairs in a beautiful flowing summer dress that ends at her ankles. She’s wearing a pair of sandals on her feet and her hair is down in long, sweeping waves.

“I apologize. Papá forgot to mention you were coming,” she says, stopping a safe distance from me.

I shake my head. “I told him earlier. I am taking you out.”

Tags: Bianca Cole Romance