Page 55 of Biting His Time

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Ace slowly slid his hand up her thigh, two fingers disappearing beneath the fabric of the dress. She rolled her back and moaned softly as she felt them wander up to the supple section under her heated core.

She gasped as he teased her just over her silky underwear.

“Oh, you mean this?” he growled.

Her nipples hardened just as she spotted her great-uncle come around the corner and straight toward them. She quickly tucked her dress over her knees, and Ace shot his hand out and let it settle on the table.

“Newlyweds,” her great-uncle said. “It is so lovely to watch the beginning of young love.”

Emma stood and embraced her uncle. He hugged her back, but she knew his eyes were on Ace. She parted, feeling a slight hesitation to let them chat.

But Ace used the opportunity anyway.

“Hello, Don Fontana,” Ace said.

He rose from his seat, then took the Don’s hand in his. He then bowed and kissed his ring, which was a sign of respect amongst mob families.

Emma was proud but also afraid. Her uncle continued smiling, showing no indication of disapproval.

He wagged his finger back and forth as he spoke.

“I knew when I met this one that he was a good egg,” the Don said. “Even as a crazy shifter, and all, I knew he had the balls to take care of my grandniece.”

Ace stood with his hands behind his back and, once again, bowed.

“I will never let anything happen to your niece, sir,” Ace said assertively. “I swear it on my beating heart.”

The Don chuckled loudly, taking hold of his gut as he did. Emma laughed, too, but still held back a little.

“Oh, you bleeding heart, you!” the Don bellowed over the music. “You remind me of myself as a young one. Never lose that, you hear me?”

Ace nodded, then they kissed each other’s cheeks. He gave Emma a kiss, too, before disappearing again into the crowd.

Emma’s shoulders relaxed as she turned back to face her husband. “Lord,” she said, “someone is good at ass kissing.”

Ace growled at her before taking her by her wrists. He pulled her in for a deep kiss that surprised Emma, but she fell into it, hypnotized by him as always.

“Come and dance with me, my wife.”

Ace pulled her onto the dance floor, much to everyone else’s excitement. They moved to the music together as one, feeling each other’s energy flow as easily as it had when they met.

They spent the rest of the night canoodling with friends and family, making time to dance and escape any form of obligation. They drank a bit, too, and Emma felt herself lighten up. The weight of her fears left her with encouragement from her husband and a bit of liquid courage.

The reception went on until late, but everyone eventually left around three in the morning.

They had a honeymoon planned, but for that night, they were staying in the quaint house they had rented. Emma couldn’t wait to get Ace alone.



They waited while everyone was finally escorted out of the reception area, saying goodbye to them like good hosts. But Emma felt antsy. Ace made her want things that she desired to explore with him as a couple every day for the rest of their lives.

It had been a bit since they had been able to have full unhinged and wild sex with one another. Ace was still healing, while the stress of having to discuss with each of their families had weighed on her heavily. They had joined together a few times, but it hadn’t been as freeing as she longed for it to be.

Finally, after the wedding and reception, she could let herself loose on him.

Ace held his hand on her lower back as they said their goodbyes. Once they were finally finished, they said goodnight to their wedding planner, who was bringing her team to tear down the reception area that night and the next day.

Tags: Milly Taiden Paranormal