Page 69 of Beast

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“Other than the piano, what’s your favorite thing to do?”

She was silent a moment, thinking. “Read. A have a large collection of romance novels on my Kindle. But don’t tell anyone. It’s my biggest secret.”

A soft chuckle rumbled out of my chest. “You’re a closet romantic?” I teased. “No way!”

She giggled, smacking my arm. “So? What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing.” I smiled. “I read, too, but not romances.”

“Hmm, I’ll bet you read thrillers, right?”

“Uh, no. I prefer dark fantasy.”

“Really?” Her head popped up again, her gaze seeking mine. “You’re a fascinating man, Adrik Volkov.” Resting her chin on my chest, she gazed into my eyes.

Me, fascinating? Words failed me. She, quite literally, had left me speechless.

We lay there for several more minutes. Not speaking. Just staring into each other’s eyes.

The air gradually shifted between us, thickening with sexual tension. Withlonging.

Annika’s eyes darkened and her eyelids lowered. She slowly leaned toward me.

If that wasn’t an invitation to kiss her, I didn’t know what was.

“Annika,” I whispered, my voice sounding strained. I should just go for it, but I didn’t want to fuck this up. What if I did it wrong?

She opened her eyes, staring at me. Then she scooted closer, sliding her leg over my waist, straddling me.

My breath caught. My pulse spiked. I couldn’t move.

Annika Popov was straddling me. On her bed.

Dear fucking God. I didn’t know what to do.

Her breath came out in short bursts and she squirmed, rocking her hips against mine with a soft whimper.

Ah, fuck.Desire shot south faster than a speeding locomotive. I couldn’t hide the rapidly rising bulge in my jeans no matter what I did.

“Adrik,” she gasped, rocking against me again and again. “Oh, my God.”

“Annika,” I pleaded, my voice coming out strained. If she started humping me, I was going to embarrass myself.

“I can’t help it, Adrik. You turn me on so much.” She rocked against me. Again and again, her breaths coming faster.

Fuck, me.

She rubbed against me, grinding harder, her head falling back, her eyes drifting shut.

She moaned softly, her body stiffening, then went limp, her soft breaths tickling my bare chest.

That was hot as fuck.

And I’m so hard, I’m about to explode.

Before I could find my voice, she slipped her hand down over the front of my jeans, cupping me. “Your turn.”

Ah, fuck.I couldn’t stop her if I wanted to.

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance