Page 40 of Beast

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I jerked my gaze away, drawing in a deep breath and shoving my forbidden thoughts aside.

Time passed as we played, and gradually his body relaxed next to me. I even managed to get my inappropriate thoughts under control, though it took some serious effort. Soon, we settled into an easy, comfortable exchange of teacher/student/tentative friends, and it struck me how much I enjoyed his company. Even though he kept his face hidden behind his hoodie, he gave off a vibe of genuineness that I found irresistible. Adrik was an easy person to be around.

I swear something was slowly growing between us. An affinity. A friendship. Abond. I decided I trulylikedAdrik. How could anyonenotlike him? I sensed he was the type of person who was easy to love.

And all the while, I was hyperaware of his presence next to me on the piano bench. His thigh brushing mine. His body heat flowing into me. His masculine scent teasing my nostrils. Did he feel the sexual tension in the air, or was it just me? I had never been so attracted to a man before, and I still hadn’t seen his face.

Iwantedto see his face. So badly. I wanted to look into his eyes. I was dying to know what color his eyes were. Would he ever let me see him?

Then Adrik let out a huge yawn. I managed to catch a glimpse of his strong, clean-shaven jaw before he turned away. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “It’s not you. I’m just beat after the long night.”

I glanced at the clock on the wall, surprised to see that over two hours had passed. It was already ten a.m. I’d been so comfortable around him and had so much fun with him that the time had flown past unexpectedly. “Well, it’s nice to know I’m not a boring teacher. You’re a fast learner, by the way. We’ll make a pianist out you yet.”

He let out a soft snort. “I doubt that. You’re just a good teacher.”

Warmth settled into my chest. “What a sweet thing to say.”

He shrugged. “Just being honest.”

Iwilledhim to turn his head and look at me in that moment. For our gazes to connect. So we could share the compliments we’d exchanged with a meaningful look. I desperately wanted to gaze into his eyes.

But, of course, he kept his face turned away. He was still keeping me at a distance.

How did I get him to let down his guard and let me see him? Maybe if I opened up first, it would help ease the way for him to reciprocate.

“I’ve had fun with you this morning,” I admitted quietly. “Most people think I’m strange or boring, so you’re either really patient, really polite, or have a kindred soul.” I wasn’t usually so open, but with Adrik, I didn’t feel like I had to put up any walls. I could just be myself. Weirdness and all.

“You’re not strange or boring,” he protested softly. “Not at all.”

The heat in my chest spread out, warming my insides. Wewerekindred souls. Ifeltit.

I let out a soft laugh. “Thanks. But I’m not sure if you really mean that or you only said it because you feel like you have to.”

He let out a huff. “I meant it, Annika. You’re…special.” He turned away, as if embarrassed.

Something in my chest softened, turning all squishy. He was a sweetheart.

I thought about what I knew about him so far, which wasn’t much. He’d joined the Bratva when he was twenty-one. He’d had to fight Timofey (and win) to be allowed to join the brotherhood. He was now almost thirty. He didn’t have a girl back in L.A. (which, surprisingly, made me happy). He had a hot, hard body that fascinated me. Lots of sexy muscles I longed to see up close and personal. He smelled good and made me want to snuggle against him. He had strong forearms and large hands that drew my gaze often. Adrik was turning out to be irresistible.

Men, in general, didn’t interest me. I had discovered my piano was more interesting and less troublesome than a man. But for some reason, I couldn’t control my curiosity about Adrik or my inexplicable attraction to him. If he hadn’t been there last night to help Timofey lift my chair into the house, I probably wouldn’t have met him. And he wouldn’t be here with me now. I would have missed on this amazing opportunity to get to know him.

Though his name meant “dark wolf” in Russian, so far, I hadn’t witnessed anything dark about the man, unless I counted his hair, but that was also mostly hidden underneath his hoodie.

I didn’t know anything about his life before he’d come to work for my family. Did he have a mom or dad out there somewhere? Siblings? Was he all alone in the world? Did he have any interests or hobbies? Did he like sports? TV? Movies? Books? Though I wanted to ask, I also didn’t want to pry. I’d already quizzed him enough earlier.

Adrik fidgeted next to me on the bench, and I sensed he was getting ready to leave. The man was exhausted. I needed to let him go to bed.

“Go take a nap,” I urged, waving toward the door. “I’m just going to play for a bit longer. I’ll be fine.”

He slowly rose. “You sure?”

“Yes. And thanks for indulging me,” I added with a grin. “We can do this again, if you want.”

He gave a slow bob of his head. “I’d like that.”

Me, too.

Adrik left, leaving an emptiness in his wake.

Tags: Leslie Georgeson Romance